This weeks blog homework is about how people personally deal with haters. The reality is that most people that are "haters" won't come forward and let you know to your face and sometimes you don't even ever find out. For the situations that you do know about someone disliking/hating you or what you do, not even just as an SG but with anything about you or that you love to do I personally just ignore them. The saying is true that most people that want to bring you down are below you and no not in a cocky sense but in the sense that they need a self esteem boost themselves so they're trying to knock you down a few pegs as you might say. I don't respond to people like that because they aren't worth the time and if I do I try to be nice about it. As for people that say bad things about my appearance or body type I'm fully confident with my body, sure who doesn't have a few things they might not like about themselves, we all have good and bad days but just brush it off because there is no one out there that acts or looks like you, there are also blocking options for a reason if needed. Keep being you and the right people will love you for who you are and what you do though not everyone has to know if you don't want them to, secrets are okay sometimes. Enjoy your life and don't let anyone slow you down or stop you(:
Thanks for the blog homework @missy @rambo