This is my first @bloghomework so hopefully I'm doing it right @lyxzen @rambo @missy
What's your best quality?
This question can be answered quite a few different ways, whether it be appearance wise or personality wise but I'm going to do my best to answer this as a whole. My fiance, though he loves all of me seems to really love how much of a sweetheart I am and also my butt heh. Personally I think my best quality is how I adapt to different situations and how strong of a person I am, I've endured so much and yet am so stable and have so much love to give. Though I also do enjoy my eyes and my butt, love all of yourself whether it be physical or personality wise because you have to love yourself before anyone else can. I'm so glad to say that I achieved completely loving myself long ago so I could fall deeply in love with my soul mate but don't want to get too mushy, that's not what this topic is about. Thanks for the homework(: