I don't want to make this about one specific thing, just life and experiences. I usually take this time to write sappy poetry or crawl deeper into my own mindset but for now just typing these words is sufficing my hunger to make something of myself. In hopes that maybe someday I'll write words to the world and not only be judged by them but inspire, for when I die I don't want to just be another name on a headstone that will wither away with time. I want to be remembered in people's hearts and on paper as someone who made a difference and though I know the people that will carry on my memory will eventually be just bones themselves, to me there is a deeper meaning to making people feel like they have a purpose. Yes immortality through peoples minds would be great but to me that would be asking for something far greater than many people have accomplished, not saying I am not capable of this but I must stay humble. Besides you can't just jump into something you know nothing about, you have to become trusted and respected unlike fame and fortune. That being said, maybe I should stay in my own mind and not disturb anyone else's, for the fear of becoming bigger than I dream to be. People looking up to me and holding my words close, that pressure would eventually make me lose myself causing exactly what I'd be trying to help prevent. I want people to feel special and important, anyone should be able to relate to my letters that come spiraling from my finger tips onto this page but if I lose myself along the way, who will be there to guide me? Or pick me up when I fall? Because in order to be strong for the whole world you must first be strong for yourself and that is where leaders have failed in the past. Test the waters and make sure you can swim even when the whole world is pulling you down, it is then you'll know that you can leave the safe shores without a life vest and still be ready to hold others heads above water.
just give yourself time. see what direction life offers you. write or wrong keep on learning on the voyage of a lifetime.
Learning is what life is about, that I will @tonni003z