This is my first @bloghomework so hopefully I'm doing it right @lyxzen @rambo @missy
What's your best quality?
This question can be answered quite a few different ways, whether it be appearance wise or personality wise but I'm going to do my best to answer this as a whole. My fiance, though he loves all of me seems to really love how much of a...
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I came home to more than just coffee stains on the counter, her lipstick was lingering as I noticed you two were in the shower. Our sheets they were already covered in her lips, all the evidence I needed even though it was just a kiss. The laughter overheard and words inbetween, I knew even if I pinched myself this wasn't a dream. My heart...
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I don't want to make this about one specific thing, just life and experiences. I usually take this time to write sappy poetry or crawl deeper into my own mindset but for now just typing these words is sufficing my hunger to make something of myself. In hopes that maybe someday I'll write words to the world and not only be judged by them but...
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I think too many people are afraid to follow their dreams because we truly are our own worst critics, whether they're our thoughts originally or not. We let the outside world effect our view on ourselves so dramatically, creating this false image that we believe we have to become. I want to break that thought that society puts upon us, that we must be everyone's...
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