At noon today I'm going bach to NH, and at the present moment I am dreading it more than an invasive medical exam. I hate the dorm, because it's packed to the gills with emotionally stunted, unreflective Catholic girls. This includes my friends, of which there are somewhere between one and three. This also means i have to actually face my thesis, which, while being really interesting and perhaps even compelling, is nowhere near being as done as it should be. Any input on the differences between monsters and demons in literature, and why the fuck this might matter, drop me a line.
Phil brought me home at 4.30 this morning, and on the ride home i realized that this might be one of the last times we ever do our usual movie/snuggle/food/sex thing. I'll be leaving home 2 weeks afer graduation, and when I go back he'll probably be leaving for either New York or Belgium. This makes me hate the idea of school even more, because it is somehow the vehicle by which i am deprived of his company... both by its beginning (tomorrow we move back intp the segregated dorms) and its ending at graduation.
I had intended an entirely different entry, about the rain and some other things. It might still happen.
Phil brought me home at 4.30 this morning, and on the ride home i realized that this might be one of the last times we ever do our usual movie/snuggle/food/sex thing. I'll be leaving home 2 weeks afer graduation, and when I go back he'll probably be leaving for either New York or Belgium. This makes me hate the idea of school even more, because it is somehow the vehicle by which i am deprived of his company... both by its beginning (tomorrow we move back intp the segregated dorms) and its ending at graduation.
I had intended an entirely different entry, about the rain and some other things. It might still happen.
And fuck your school. What has it ever done except inconvenience the both of us? Sheesh.
ps now that i'm back i like it again