i am graduated.

My welcome home present was seeing all my books warped from being left outside in humid weather. yarrr!
congratz! its always good to be done with school!
More bonfires -- what coul be better? Tim/Paul had a funny moment, handing me 151 and saying "i've never seen you do anything crazy before!" Thanks Tim/Paul. Celebrating for the Lit. majors who passed their Junior projects, and the Philosophy majors who have finished their thesis defense.

But now I realize, I'm NOT crazy. I am, in fact, fucking tame. The only thing i did...
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Congratulations on graduating college! I read it on Einzel's page. smile smile smile
happy sunday, guys!

we bonfired for Tim's birthday last night, complete with watery yellow beer and booze-fruit punch (soak the fruit in the booze, then pour in more booze and some juice and mix it all together).

Everyone knows you pooped in the shower, Tim.
Hey---email me your thesis! I don't care what state it's in. I WANTS TO READ IT.
At noon today I'm going bach to NH, and at the present moment I am dreading it more than an invasive medical exam. I hate the dorm, because it's packed to the gills with emotionally stunted, unreflective Catholic girls. This includes my friends, of which there are somewhere between one and three. This also means i have to actually face my thesis, which, while being...
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I wanna read your thesis, dammit. So finish it.

And fuck your school. What has it ever done except inconvenience the both of us? Sheesh.
it embiggens the brain.

ps now that i'm back i like it again
sweet jesus, Sin City is fantastic. if i had boner-abilities i'd have been boning the whole time... except for the part with Yellow Bastard where i'd be cringing and covering my manhood. clive owen has made up for the complete shittiness that was King Arthur (die, Keira Knightly!), and become monolithically sexy. he is a sexy, sexy monolith.

all this being said, nothing really compares...
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I saw it last night toooo! I liked the big Hellboy-type guy, and I too had a boner the entire time.

When are we hanging out?
Hmmm...the people sitting in front of me tomorrow better watch out then! wink
there's almost nothing as good as a day of free:
free ride
free parking
free books (word to the bpl -- no late fee!)
free lunch
free dinner
free whiskey
free beer.

The joy of free parking in boston is unparalleled. And for all those who like the weird, visit clinton, ma -- the most churches AND the most bars per capita of any place...
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And hey, free tits! Life is grand.
ah yes, free tits love
When I think about what it will be like when I am officially on my own, I don't think about the useful things like jobs or roommates, or even rent. I wonder how much it will cost to get a swedish space-mattress, and whether I can ever learn to share a kitchen.
Sharing a kitchen with people you don't like is worse than being raped by the devil in the flaming pits of hell. Sharing it with people you DO like is a tiny, tiny bit better.
living for any span of time in NH makes one imagine that Dante's 9th circle is a thing of beauty. but it also makes we bastard northerners experts in the art of staying in. i have each one of my favorite foods near at hand, pets, TV (relax, i don't have one of my own) and a mom to feed me. Not only that... it's...
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i'm terrible with the updates, i know. being at a tiny catholic college is conducive neither to SG posting nor SG viewing.

broke up with the man of 2.5 years. home for a week on break.

again, the eyes have it
I'm sorry that really sucks!

Be as slow with the updates as you want.
Blah I usually take a few weeks between updates also... but then again my life is usually boring heh.
i am feeling robotic

tonight is my last night before i go back to school. true to form i am wasting a lot of time doing things other than packing.

i think i'm on a sure path for an existential crisis in the near future. i don't know what my problem is, but we'll sure find out.
Hi neighbor!
home from the midwest with a pair of extra-fancy cowboy boots. i even went to a rodeo!
yeeee haaaaw! hehe where did you go?
iowa, missouri and neeebraska