You will see neither of my new sets because SG just sent me two emails saying they werent accepted for fucking member review.

I'm not gonna lie, I try to be peaches and cream most of the time but I'm fucking bullshit!

The first one had 35 + images and now theyre saying it has to be 40-60. And I might be an ignorant blind mouse or some shit but I cant find it anywhere in the F&Q.
the email read exactly like this:
The next one had 48 images and wasn't against the rules in anyway.
They gave me even less of an explanation just saying it wasnt up to their standards.
And wtf standards are those?! Not to be a Bitch but have you seen some of the shit sets taken with a disposable camera in some girls bedroom and they allow those to go into member review. Hell some guys like the amature shit. I'm not tooting my own horn I just really wanted you guys to see my new sets because they were fucking awesome.
I'm steaming with fucking anger right now. I'm gonna go punch a wall and cry because this I think it's a sign I'll never be SG. They honestly can't handle just fucking unfair and so fucking shitty. FUCKKKKKKK
That or inconsistant lighting, or overexposed photo's get rejected too. I know from experience! Keep trying, you'll get it!