I really don't think I'll ever have a set up. My confidence went from hugging the clouds to nonexistent. I just can't understand if none of them have fallen below 95%, everyone seems to think they should be set of the day, and I constantly get messages about people not being able to understand why I'm not SG. Idk, maybe you guys are just blowing smoke up my arse haha.
Please don't take this the wrong way, I hold nothing against SG or the girls they have picked for set of the day over mine I'm very proud and love the girls

In other news, other than me being a mopey cry baby all of a sudden, I fixed my hair! My camera came in! and I may have broken up with the bf? [

My hair is blue/ purple really,
is shaved on the sides
and has 9 baby dreads underneath that I can't wait to grow for the rest of my lifeeee!
It's caused some shit already though :/ My mom, who's usually the most understanding of my mods isn't speaking to me and we had a screaming battle of over an hour about how she though I was ugly and a fucking freak and I said I didn't care if I was ugly or pretty thats no reason to yell at someone or make them feel terrible about themselves. Shes my mother she should love me regardless of my appearance and hold her tongue. I mean, say I had nasty ugly acne was fat had no teeth, I mean was terrible looking, THAT would be no reason to be yelling and hating someone but when they do'n't agree with an appearance change you did to yourself apparently your Lucifer reincarnated?! Cool.
In the meantime my beautiful amazing love of my life camera came in so I have so many new pictures to show you! I'll update on my hair of course first and then post a new mods album so you can see all my new work! I forgot to mention!!!!! I should be starting my sleeve this week so hopefully that pans out and I'll have even more pics to show!
Oh and the bf/ ex. He sucks. The end.
Love you all
*new sleeve sounds great*