Thank you everyone that has been checking out my new set, I really appreciate all the ove you've been sending me
I wish I had fun tales to tell but I honestly haven't been up to too much the past few days except takin long drives to nowhere and smokin fat blunts.
I went to the Boston hempfest yesterday, not much to tell from there. There were some cool speakers but I just wasn't feeling the music, or the people or that there werre noooooo pieces.
later <3

I wish I had fun tales to tell but I honestly haven't been up to too much the past few days except takin long drives to nowhere and smokin fat blunts.
I went to the Boston hempfest yesterday, not much to tell from there. There were some cool speakers but I just wasn't feeling the music, or the people or that there werre noooooo pieces.
later <3
There was a tea party here (that's what we call the big pro-legalization rally here) and some folks from the 'tea party' showed up and I think were quite scared to see a bunch of stoned hippies all over the place who weren't shouting about politics.
Have I neglected to tell you what a great body you have? Simply fantastic.