Fractal and courtneyriot just visited Portland, I had lots of fun with them. It was a nice escape and it was fun to play tour guide for Portland.
Here are a few pics from the visit:

You can see her blog post about it here:
Random bits:
Ive been collecting vinyl toys and giving them to friends(and keeping a few for myself):

Its a nice way to distract myself from reality a little. And what better a time in my life than my 28th year to start collecting toys. Cute, huh? I really hope people think that i'm losing it. The joke's on them though, cause I never had it in the first place.
SPEAKING OF WHICH. 'Ive been listening to *gasp* Hollywood Undead,

^These guys are totally douchey,retarded and juvenile, but the music is so god damned catchy it's hard to turn off. Probably makes me lose a few brain cells, but at least it keeps me moving when Im jogging. Still losing weight!
Also, I did a shoot with a girl ive been wanting to work with for a while, Kellie. Here are a few pics:

Full flickr set here(you need a flickr account to view, sorry):
My book/gallery project has been a little slow to start, and Im not sure how to pitch it to everyone that I want to work with, but I have a feeling it will be kind of slow all the way through if Im going to do what I want to do. Time isnt really a factor, I just want to make photos that I love. Here's one that I just finished(t that kind of shows the direction I want to go in); brighter, more surreal, and more conceptual:

Again, if you want to stalk me, Facebook. , Twitter.
<3<3<3 don't do drugs!
ADDED! pic of soya with famous internet milkshake bringeth poem on it!:

Here are a few pics from the visit:

You can see her blog post about it here:
Random bits:
Ive been collecting vinyl toys and giving them to friends(and keeping a few for myself):

Its a nice way to distract myself from reality a little. And what better a time in my life than my 28th year to start collecting toys. Cute, huh? I really hope people think that i'm losing it. The joke's on them though, cause I never had it in the first place.
SPEAKING OF WHICH. 'Ive been listening to *gasp* Hollywood Undead,

^These guys are totally douchey,retarded and juvenile, but the music is so god damned catchy it's hard to turn off. Probably makes me lose a few brain cells, but at least it keeps me moving when Im jogging. Still losing weight!
Also, I did a shoot with a girl ive been wanting to work with for a while, Kellie. Here are a few pics:

Full flickr set here(you need a flickr account to view, sorry):
My book/gallery project has been a little slow to start, and Im not sure how to pitch it to everyone that I want to work with, but I have a feeling it will be kind of slow all the way through if Im going to do what I want to do. Time isnt really a factor, I just want to make photos that I love. Here's one that I just finished(t that kind of shows the direction I want to go in); brighter, more surreal, and more conceptual:

Again, if you want to stalk me, Facebook. , Twitter.
<3<3<3 don't do drugs!
ADDED! pic of soya with famous internet milkshake bringeth poem on it!:

motha fucka
Those pictures are so effing amazing. Come take pics of me