5-HTP wasn't that great of a supplement. I stopped taking it before I used the whole bottle. Apparently 90% of your seratonin is in your digestive system, and it's role there is to regulate the involuntary contractions that push food through your intestines. It's a pretty important thing, right? I've heard that 5-HTP doesn't disrupt this function for most people, but some. It definitely affected mine. And since I dont really think i have a seratonin shortage(i was actually using it for it's appetite suppressing qualities), the benefits don't really outweigh the side effects.
ALSO! Guess who's flying to Portland to shoot with me on the 20th?! My favorite SG who is way due for a killer new set, Soya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life's good.
, expect it to get even better.
ALSO! Guess who's flying to Portland to shoot with me on the 20th?! My favorite SG who is way due for a killer new set, Soya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life's good.

want a set with you, your sets are brilliant
thank you so much!!