*sigh* How this month has just been so bad. *sigh* One of my very best friends, my sisters long time boyfriend Kurt Sgalio passed away on Thursday. He was like a brother to me and somebody I looked up to and cared very much about. Back in March he had a minor heart attack and seizure. Upon getting to the hospital they found in his blood stream as many as 15 different supplements. They are sure this is what led to his heart attack. The day of the heart attack was Mother's Day and he was over our house, but my parents and sister noticed him acting very strangely as if he was drugged. We had never seen him like this before. Later that evening once he got home we found out about the heart attack. He did recover and was able to go home. However upon doing a brain scan of him they noticed that his brain was showing some abnormal activity. Over the next few months some days he would perfectly fine and seem just like his old self. Kurt, my father, and I all worked together on repairing a wall over the course of 6 hours the one day and even doing all this hard labor he was still okay and seemed no different. It was probably the longest I ever got to spend with him and it was very nice to have that day. He did however have some days where he would act very sluggish like he was sleepy and was slurring his speech. We are unsure as to what was a cause of this and I am going to try my best to find out what had happened. He never would admit he even had a heart attack and we are unsure if he was taking the medicines they had given him or if he was continuing to take the supplements. He may have even just been tired as he was having sleeping problems after that point and had to take some medicines to sleep. He complained about having disturbing nightmares as well. My sister also noticed that on one occasion his arm was swollen which was something that happened from his supplements he had taken before. Anyways on Thursday in the afternoon while with a friend he ended up having a massive heart attack and passed away. His parents decided not to have an autopsy done as if it was anything other than a heart attack they did not care to know. Kurt was only 28.
R.I.P. Kurt Sgalio - September 22,1981 - June 10, 2010

R.I.P. Kurt Sgalio - September 22,1981 - June 10, 2010

We got to say our final goodbyes today. Kurt I miss you so much. These pics are so tough to look at. You always were so happy and had a great smile. I love you man. I'll bring you a beer for the two of us at your new home here in a few days so we can talk and such. I hope you are looking down at us. Its incredible how many people you had a positive effect on. I never saw a funeral and a viewing have so many people before in my life. *hugs*