ahhh the dust bowl Crap Town Called tracy wow its a happy place
yah right it sucks its culturally diverse as a redneck bbq

AND MORMONS ARE Spreders of shit!!!
ok that me just blowing stean its a blog that what it for smile
well hello again

today i spent a few hours in the ER yahhh that was fun
of all days i dont put on shin gaurds when ride my foot slips
i get pedal bite a nice big Canyon carved in my shin
18 stitches will get pics up soon
thanks for loving my set

i hope u left me a sweet comment! OX
Thanks for the comment! I'm glad you enjoyed my set smile Hope you are doing better wink
wow i have been busy selling my place and BMxING

ahhh BMX its just does not stop i am now 47th in the west Regionals!!
yes there is a new band

not in tracy!! though and yes no cover tones
my stand on covers is any fool can play a cover not that it makes people who play
covers less of talent not at all i just choose not to do covers for personal reasons
and i choose not to play in tracy because of personal reasons

1) reason is...
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ok i know this may not be the place and i may ruffle some people

but dam people are just dam blind and closed

some times i am not open about my spirituality but i was
asked what i think of Vodoo well it turns out that i am
a vodoosant i have been for a few yrs so i told the
person its a...
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ok yes i am back i have been busy with the whole Bmx racing
its been great i came back to the sport after 20years of not racing or rideing
and well i still have it i placed 3rd in the mens 34 & up Rookie class i say not
bad but i need to work harder so i have been eating healtthy doing sprints...
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Well today was grand day
House Hunting Yahooo fun fun fun
was in San Pablo ,Pinole,and El Cerrito
And Good i miss the bay It was a lovely
70 Degrees out all day then after dinner it droped
to a comfey 65 Degrees Hell Yes!!!

frown puke then i cam back home to a fucking
dustbowl at a temp of 80 or so degrees puke

well its going...
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You guys should look in Hercules too...a lot cheaper. or San Bruno...
I love San Bruno and Hercules we are Going to look around there soon its not the Location
well ok that does matter its more of finding
a house that goes BLING!!! Yes tracy does suck But our house we love alot we feel in love with it the first day we saw it actually its
what made us move to tracy well because of the price at that time and but it was this house
we looked at 3 newer ones before this we passed up both we yards and pools this place
just has Charm and now its hard to find one
that has the same charm with out spending
a Million or so
frown mad
well not much going on today


Mike Metzger The Godfather of Feestyle MotoX

Pulled a 125 FT Back Flip Over the fountains at Caesars Palace the place where back in 1967 nearly killed

evil Kanevil

Its all about Pushing the limit rather you pedal or you gota a motor or what ever you do

Bmx thats sport bicycling right? i went to a monster truck rally a couple months ago and i think we saw some bmx'ers there... scary shit man!

the wedding was my uncle's so its was pretty boring but i was getting drunk as well! double fisting all night long!
