I guess someone (likely the SG marketing team) decided to pony up for a 3 month membership for me. I guess America's online wank quotient was starting to lag.
It's fun to see the ol' SG site again. So many titties...
It's fun to see the ol' SG site again. So many titties...
I am now the proud owner of a website.
I should probably conjure up some content about now....
Maybe after this bottle of wine.
Isn't the internet grand?
I should probably conjure up some content about now....
Maybe after this bottle of wine.
Isn't the internet grand?
You're still here, are you? 

here's a link to that video i was telling you about. Two Caseys
I never got to meet her...
R.I.P. Bettie...
R.I.P. Bettie...

Hiya hun, thanks for adding me 

Yeah, I at least have that going for me......thanks babe, you made me smile.
The question may arise...
"Does Trent still got it?"
I saw NIN at the Forum (RE: Purgatory) tonight.
There is an answer.
"Does Trent still got it?"
I saw NIN at the Forum (RE: Purgatory) tonight.
There is an answer.
did he have that crazy ass beat making screen?
Oh man, that thing was awesome. I'm still trying to figure out how interactive that thing was.
So sweet.
So sweet.
It's been about 6 months since I was told to do a piece for I-am-8bit.
I am starting today.
So for all you people who think you procrastinate too much...
I so kick your ass.
I am starting today.
So for all you people who think you procrastinate too much...
I so kick your ass.
is this for the show at world of wonder on the 14th?
what exactly is this I am 8 bit i've been hearing about?
I got about $1500 from Uncle Sam between tax refunds and blood money.
I went to visit my Mom for the 4th of July.
And I paid off all my outstanding utility bills.
And I bought cat food and a T-Shirt.
I have $120 left.
I went to visit my Mom for the 4th of July.
And I paid off all my outstanding utility bills.
And I bought cat food and a T-Shirt.
I have $120 left.

ewww one of mine got infected. NOT COOLLL
Thank you so much for your comment on Your touch !!! Kisses from Italy!

Peter Murphy is old.
...eheh..Peter Murphy is old...Belalugosi too!!!...but I love both anyway! Have you seen recently his show from the new tour?
Thanks so much for the comment on my set in member review! <3
Los Angeles has such a beautiful feel to it when the barometer changes and the winds take the smog away for a day or two. It's almost worth it to live a a city that's this expensive. For the first time since it died, I'm glad to not have a car. I'm poor enough now. With gas and insurance expenses, I'd be a goner.
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yeah its always funny seeing someone from real life here. how's everything going with you?
i know what you mean about the date. although i'd settle for a date that's checking out her options at this point. I'll be stopping by on thursday. i've been checking out trades from the library to save some dough but gotta keep up with my weeklies/monthlies.
USDAgent NO MORE!!! I had to change the name since I'm working on making The USDAgent something. Cyclops Jr. is what I came I came up with because I am a dork and can't think of anything better right now.

Thanks for the ultra-sweet set comment!
I loved it, hehee

I loved it, hehee

Good to see you yesterday. Gonna try and blow more loot at that place more often. It's a good addition.
Just had to get that out.
Just had to get that out.