So earlier today I went onto TikTok and made a video detailing my self imposed challenge of doing 22 push ups a day for 30 days starting on Saturday February 22nd!

I made mention that I haven’t done a single push up in nearly 5 years due to my shoulder injuries and subsequent surgeries on my shoulder. (It’s the whole reason why I’m no longer...
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Well well well….

im back y’all, i took a bit of a hiatus due to some major life changes and whatnot. Most notably of which is that I am retired from the U.S. Army. I’ve been retired since 2022, but man it still feels like just yesterday!

I got medically retired due to my shoulder injuries and multiple surgeries. The Army decided that I couldn’t
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Welcome back 🍀
welcome back ;)

Today, 07-Mar-2021 marks my 15th year as an Active Duty Soldier in The United States Army. It’s crazy to think it’s been 15 years. There are times it seems like it’s only been a few weeks. There are also times when it feels like it’s been 40 years!!!

I’m different in so many ways from the idiot kid I was when I joined at 19
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Congratulations!  And thank you.  I come from a rather large military family--I was in ROTC all set to go straight from high school into some element of the Vietnam war and...on the last day of high school i was in a football accident which shattered my knees and busted my hip (basically a big kid slid on the grass at the same time i did; he grabbed my ankles for some reason and bent my legs backwards)  1A became 4F and bye-bye military scholarship etc.   It has bothered me how little real respect, admiration there has been for a military career in the years since.  it is a kind of unspoken career for those who somehow prefer to not think about it, whose avoidance mechanisms blind them to the extraordinary layers of chaos flowing around the world these days... may your years keep you in fairly good health, may you find company and recognition whenever you do complete this part of your life.