YAY!!!!!!! Me and Kayla celebrated our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY on Friday!!!!!
We have been saving up alllll year for this and we went to see Alice in Wonderland in IMAX 3D at Navy Pier and had an awesome time. movie was pretty good. Visuals were AWESOME and Johnny Depp was really great and basically STOLE the movie. That was my only MAJOR complaint. The movie is ALICE in Wonderland. Not Mad Hatter w/Alice in Wonderland. Other than that it was good.
After the movie we went out to dinner at Ditka's and the food was AWESOME. I had been there once before a few years back and it was a good choice for a nice anniversary dinner. The food though wasn't the BEST part of it... getting to meet Mike Ditka was!!! We went upstairs to use the washroom and on our way out through the upstairs bar section I saw Da Coach sitting there eating a salad. I didn't wanna be annoying but i HAD to say hi so i very respectfully walked up to him and told him we had a great night for our anniversary and he seemed genuinely happy and wished us a hundred more.
I would have gotten a picture but he was eating so i didn't want to be rude. But still it was cool to meet him
He looks good for 70.
After that we took a nice little horse carriage ride around Chicago. It was a bit cold but me and Kayla got to snuggle and keep warm together.

After the movie we went out to dinner at Ditka's and the food was AWESOME. I had been there once before a few years back and it was a good choice for a nice anniversary dinner. The food though wasn't the BEST part of it... getting to meet Mike Ditka was!!! We went upstairs to use the washroom and on our way out through the upstairs bar section I saw Da Coach sitting there eating a salad. I didn't wanna be annoying but i HAD to say hi so i very respectfully walked up to him and told him we had a great night for our anniversary and he seemed genuinely happy and wished us a hundred more.

After that we took a nice little horse carriage ride around Chicago. It was a bit cold but me and Kayla got to snuggle and keep warm together.

Wow, I can't believe it has been a year already. Awesome.
Well played sir. It sounds like you two had a blast.