I was planning on posting a new entry on friday or over the weekend but on friday i just plain forgot and all weekend i was to busy!!
so here we go... update. I will do my BEST to keep it short.... that may not happen. lol
MONDAY: Well last monday Kayla was still out of town visiting her new little cousin Caleb and me and my mom went to the VERY awesome Blackhawks Season Ticket Holders Holiday Party!!!! Got to meet lots of my favorite players! Including my favorite new goalie! Antti Niemi!! I have a goalie stick from Corey Crawford from the last Convention that has become my Goalie Autograph stick so i got Niemi to sign it nice and big on the tape!

TUESDAY: My mom a few months back had gotten THREE tickets for us to go see........ It was VERY awesome. Nathan Lane played Gomez and Bebe Neuwirth (lilith from Cheers/Fraser) played Morticia. It was a fun and very entertaining movie. I loved it so much and suggest it to anyone who likes The Addams Family or even just musicals. Strange thing..we're sitting there at intermission chatting and.... all of a sudden my friend Amanda walks up to me!!! lol what are the chances? one in a thousand? million? She pops her finger in my face and WOW she has a HUGE amazing engagement ring on!!
so we chat for a bit telling her new fiance how awesome of a ring he got her. We also find out she is gonna be at the Blackhawks game the next day.
WEDNESDAY: Well i had normal boring work and then the BLACKHAWKS GAME!!! (i always love going!) Huet ended up giving us our second Shut Out in a row!! Amanda stopped by and we gave her a picture we had of me her and her fiance from last years Winter Classic game!!
THURSDAY:Well nothing MAJOR happened. But me and Kayla had the house alone for the night ;-)
FRIDAY: Kayla went to the Game that night against Boston and we of course WON. In a nice OT shutout!
SATURDAY:We were busy most of the day just running errands and then headed out to my moms works christmas party. We had lots of fun. Ate lots of food and Kayla got to meet lots of new people from my moms work and we generally had a good time. After the party my mom said we were going to another party at her friend Phil's House........ well little did we know that Phil is her friend that runs BLUE MAN GROUP!!!!!!!!!!!!
So yes we ended up going to see Blue Man on saturday night! I have been before, its still fun, but kayla has NEVER been and was so excited and had such an AMAZINGLY fun time!!
SUNDAY: Sunday for like the first half we either A. were lazy lol or B were packing for our trip. But later in the day we went over to our FAVORITE little restaurant STELLA'S! and if you live in chicago and have NOT been there! You MUST. Gus, the owner, and Jim, his son, were very happy to see us since its been a while since we have stopped in. Food was great as always and then after we went over to Lincoln Park Zoo for ZOO LIGHTS!! I have pictures but not here with me. i'll post them later. We had a nice time there seeing animals and all the christmas lights.
MONDAY: We woke up early got ready and headed out to the airport to fly to Minnesota to spend Christmas with Kayla's family. my mom is not happy about me going there for christmas but 1 we offered for her to come and 2 as much as i love my mom... we don't ever actually DO anything for christmas so it isn't a HUGE loss outside of the minor time spent together. Well the trip and flight went fine. Got there a little early. its nice and snowy here and we went to Red Lobster for Dinner which was very nice
We sat last night and watched what is to be one of my new favorite christmas movies. Joyeux Noel If you don't know. it is film about the World War I Christmas truce of December 1914, depicted through the eyes of French, Scottish and German soldiers. It was VERY good and very touching. I love it already and i have only seen it once.
Today nothing major is happening. The weather has impeded part of our plans but later we are running to the store and kayla is running to the doctor.
The week should be lots of fun and i will update later this week with the goings on of everything