Hey everyone!!!
Yeah i know my last turkey day blog was brief, but hey it got to the point! Had a great thanksgiving as i stated.
Me and kayla had fun and baked pies!!
She made a pumpkin pie and she helped me (cause i have NO clue how to really cook anything lol) make a sweet potato pie. But while baking the sweet potato pie and getting things ready and chopping the potatoes.... the knife SLIPPED and i sliced my finger open and bleed EVERYWHERE! At first i didn't want to go to the hospital. I was just content to hold a paper towel over it and then throw a band aid over it..... but kayla being a loving caring girlfriend she made me go and i ended up having to get 4 stitches.... motherfucker that all hurt!!!! I think the needle stabbed into my finger to inject the pain killer so she could stitch up my finger hurt the worst!! lol
I'm fine now. I have the stitches in till next weekend or so. I have a bandaid over my finger over the stitches for now so that i don't get it wet or dirty or anything. For the most part it doesn't hurt but occasionally i'll get a random sharp pain in it. I actually had to have Kayla help me in the shower the first few days because i couldn't get it wet at all.
Christmas is coming everyone!!!
I love christmas and this is going to be one of the best ones cause i'm going back with Kayla to Minnesota to spend the holiday with her family. The BIG news about christmas this year..... I'm going to ask her father for permission to ask Kayla to marry me.
I'm excited and nervous about it. She knows about me wanting to ask him (she was very happy about it) and told me that he is gonna ask me LOTS of questions! so i am hopping that its not TO much lol.

(i'm planning on asking her sometime at the end of spring/beginning of summer.... shhhhh she doesn't know THAT much ;-) )
I am, as usual, sending out Christmas cards this year. I love sending cards to everyone!!! If you want a card. Just let me know and i will get your info and have one sent out to you
it will of course contain lots of love and well wishes from both me and Kayla. If you want to send me one in return i'll give you my info too.
In case anyone wants to send me GIFTS
feel free to browse my Amazon Wishlist!! I don't expect anyone to get me anything off of there.... but if you WANT to.... its ok ;-)
To get the season started... here are a few good ROCK christmas songs that are underrated or forgotten.
Smashing Pumpkins- Christmas time
Queen- Thank God It's Christmas
Queen- A Winter's Tale (this is the last song ever sung by Freddie, it was also written by him about what he could see out his window in his bedroom..... It's very poetic and touching)
Yeah i know my last turkey day blog was brief, but hey it got to the point! Had a great thanksgiving as i stated.
Me and kayla had fun and baked pies!!

I'm fine now. I have the stitches in till next weekend or so. I have a bandaid over my finger over the stitches for now so that i don't get it wet or dirty or anything. For the most part it doesn't hurt but occasionally i'll get a random sharp pain in it. I actually had to have Kayla help me in the shower the first few days because i couldn't get it wet at all.
Christmas is coming everyone!!!

I am, as usual, sending out Christmas cards this year. I love sending cards to everyone!!! If you want a card. Just let me know and i will get your info and have one sent out to you

In case anyone wants to send me GIFTS

To get the season started... here are a few good ROCK christmas songs that are underrated or forgotten.
Smashing Pumpkins- Christmas time
Queen- Thank God It's Christmas
Queen- A Winter's Tale (this is the last song ever sung by Freddie, it was also written by him about what he could see out his window in his bedroom..... It's very poetic and touching)
p.s. so sorry about your finger!!!!!
you know I'd love to!