i had such an amazing time visiting Kayla in Minnesota. They made me TONS of home made meals. OMG i have never had that many home made meals before!! lol and it was all AMAZING. I got to kiss and hold and love my lovely Kayla

... ummm not sure what to say about the trip...
we went to see Transformers 2 at the midnight matinee... i could write a whole new review on it.. but i'll just copy paste the one from the transformers group on what i didn't like lol
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
OK so i saw the midnight showing of it and... the first one was better. My complaints about this one...
where to start
1 to fucking LONG! Its an action movie. Action movies should have a running time of about 2 hours. 2 and a half was just killer. i felt every damn minute of it too
2 that whole damn "the government doesn't trust you, you gotta leave" sub plot that went... umm.... NO WHERE!!!!!!!!! The story would have been EXACTLY the fucking same with out it and its an overused plot device too.
3... Now.. i KNOW its a Michael Bay movie. I understand and accept that. In fact i look forward to what he does best big badaboom explosions. In fact i liked them in the film. But.. the first half of the story just... fucking ... DRAGGED on. From the minor amount of story to even the few fight scenes in that half just were so slow going. By the second half the story was really rolling and the action scenes were good and involving. But before that. I was bored and tired and literally kept checking my watch to see what time it was cause i was bored.
4. The fact that outside of Prime, Bumblebee and those 2 really fucking annoying, racist and offensive "twins" none of the other autobots had any lines or screen time. They looked pretty in the back and a few were mentioned BRIEFLY in the beginning. But yep thats it. Now i am not saying i expect a full history of them or that they need BIG roles.. but... come on... something The twins are the new Jar Jar Binks to me. That is how annoying they were and if they would have kicked them the fuck out and put someone else in their place. I think it would have pushed the movie to be better.
5. the lame and stupid humor. Now i am not looking for highclass jokes or humor but... he had Balls? really Bay? you had to stoop that low to try to get a stupid juvinel laugh out of the crowd? Am i the ONLY person that when they showed that groaned cause it was so stupid and lame? and did i MENTION the twins? Fuck i hated them
6 the twins.... enough said
i have a few minor nitpicky things that i could pick out but they are things that if there weren't all these other problems with it i would honestly forget or look past. But yeah... thats it for now
PS can we just kill the twins AND Jar Jar?
Kayla moves here on the 7th! :-D i cant wait to have her here!!!!!
I didnt see the first one and I havent seen this one, but I hear that it is better then the first one.
I'm thinking it's going to be something closer to home.