A weekend that started out great has turned horrible.
Yesterday Blaire finally got to meet my best friend Manni. We went to the movies to see SAW V and they got along great. Well later me and Blaire went to Target i got some socks and walking out we started talking.... i decided to tell her fully about my heart condition and the fact that i will probably need heart surgery and there is a chance i could die from it..... she didn't react very well to it
I think me telling her this was a mistake. I had chose to tell her because she is the most caring loving and understanding girl i have ever dated. I have always dated such controlling ... MEAN girls in the past who weren't supportive. She is so nice and sweet and understanding... I told her cause i thought she would be different. The few girls i had told in the past Either ran away cause it was to much or weren't supportive..... I thought she would be different.....
i've been doing nothing but crying since i told her yesterday. I don't know what to do
Yesterday Blaire finally got to meet my best friend Manni. We went to the movies to see SAW V and they got along great. Well later me and Blaire went to Target i got some socks and walking out we started talking.... i decided to tell her fully about my heart condition and the fact that i will probably need heart surgery and there is a chance i could die from it..... she didn't react very well to it

My heart's fucked up too. But not much. Sorry to hear it. I just wouldn't worry about it. If you were/are serious about being with her, that would be a pretty big thing to be hiding. You did the right thing.
How bad was her reaction? It is a bit of a bomb to drop on someone though. If she is as caring as you say she is it may just take her a little time to process it all and put it in perspective. I have a bad heart as well. Nothing as serious as you, but I feel you.