So i was awesome and i voted early yesterday
(as we say in chicago VOTE EARLY AND VOTE OFTEN!!!!!!!!!!)
I love that we can vote early here
The one bad thing is because of the economy being shit sales in the company are way down so they are starting to cut hours
I am down from having as much as 6 days a week to next week i only have 4 days a week
Its gonna make things hard coming up.
OH and i also decided that since Obama is going to throw the election night party gala thing in Grant park here in chicago ... I am gonna go. If i work i will head there straight from work. If not than i will go earlier
Its exciting to me 

I love that we can vote early here

The one bad thing is because of the economy being shit sales in the company are way down so they are starting to cut hours

OH and i also decided that since Obama is going to throw the election night party gala thing in Grant park here in chicago ... I am gonna go. If i work i will head there straight from work. If not than i will go earlier

and I'm sorry about your hours.