Knock Your Blockbuster Off
Yesterday while returning Pride and Prejudice and renting Baghead, there was an obnoxious lady in front of me in line. There were three people behind the counter. One of them wasn't even on the clock and the other was scanning in a mountain of DVDs from the long holiday week. This only left one person to check people out. The lady in front of me (who was two people behind the next person in line) found it necessary to tell the Blockbuster employees how to do their job.
"Is there any way you can open another register? I see three of you working but only one of you is checking people out..."
The girl responded, that she couldn't and the guy in the black (not Blockbuster Blue) tee shirt wasn't even working.
After one minute of exasperation and rolling-eyes the girl in front of me was called to the register.
Now this probably wouldn't seem like such a big deal to anyone except the lady (who obviously knows it's more important to whittle down a 5 person queue as quickly as possible than it is to stock the shelves with easily a hundred freshly returned flicks and video games) was still in her pajamas, visiting Blockbuster at 3 in the afternoon (so you know she wasn't rushing to or home from work) and was all antsy in the pants to rent (pause for suspense and dramatic irony...) HOUSE BUNNY.
Really bitch? That's how you're going to start the new year? By being fucked up to some people behind the counter at Blockbuster so you can watch House Bunny?
Go home. Go back to bed. You fail at life.
Yesterday while returning Pride and Prejudice and renting Baghead, there was an obnoxious lady in front of me in line. There were three people behind the counter. One of them wasn't even on the clock and the other was scanning in a mountain of DVDs from the long holiday week. This only left one person to check people out. The lady in front of me (who was two people behind the next person in line) found it necessary to tell the Blockbuster employees how to do their job.
"Is there any way you can open another register? I see three of you working but only one of you is checking people out..."
The girl responded, that she couldn't and the guy in the black (not Blockbuster Blue) tee shirt wasn't even working.
After one minute of exasperation and rolling-eyes the girl in front of me was called to the register.
Now this probably wouldn't seem like such a big deal to anyone except the lady (who obviously knows it's more important to whittle down a 5 person queue as quickly as possible than it is to stock the shelves with easily a hundred freshly returned flicks and video games) was still in her pajamas, visiting Blockbuster at 3 in the afternoon (so you know she wasn't rushing to or home from work) and was all antsy in the pants to rent (pause for suspense and dramatic irony...) HOUSE BUNNY.
Really bitch? That's how you're going to start the new year? By being fucked up to some people behind the counter at Blockbuster so you can watch House Bunny?
Go home. Go back to bed. You fail at life.

haha i am addicted to the cookie jar song too.

you know what, don't even worry about getting dressed. cancel all of your plans, and go get it. just stay in for days. it's THAT worth it.