"Ardhanarisvara" Image credit: Exoticindia.com Company
-- Ardhanarisvara -- 8/2/2005
I am Ardhanarisvara
Experience with me
Dharma transvestism
Cerebral sex organ mysticism
Walk through life with me
Spiritually vibrating sexual energies at huge interstellar frequencies
I am the being that is half man half woman
I am the creature king & queen of America
I am breast & dick
Hard steel and lipstick
I am the hermaphrodite
That comes to you in the silver moonlight
I am the future that is tomorrow.
The sun bleeding across the sky
The transient transsexual angelic whore
The long-haired glam rock idol man
I am the effeminate 17th century French
Noble lord.
Past and present are synchronic.
I drink tea with my pinky extended
I molest handsome stable boy peasants
With a degree from Harvard University
I belch when I guzzle beer at the gay night club
I play party games with party girls
The world is coming to an end
And I watch it as a stoic statue of freedom, manhood
And macho immortality
I am the girl giggling next to you
I'm laughing at you
Because your gender stereotypes
Flatten you, make you small and insignificant.
They flatten the world.
I am Ardhanarisvara
I am both male and female elements in all living things
I am the sky, the Moon, the Earth and the Sun
Round and whole and moving faster than you can see
With naked eyes
I am universal
Pray with me
The Earth
Is exploding.

"Ardhanarishvara" Image Credit: Denise Cherubini A.K.A. Devin Hellfire
I felt the need to repost this poem, my drawing and borrowed image of Ardhanarishvara. I'd LOVE some more feedback on it and the subject of transient gender queer male/femaleness. Please don't be shy. Say what ever is on your mind.

sorry it took so long to get back to you i like this poem especially the second part it has the the most fire and a great flow to it.

hey, just wanted to say hi! hope all is well