Here is a collage I did of Morgan and I:
Image Credit: Denise Cherubini A.K.A. Devin Hellfire
Two recent poems and one not-so-recent poem:
-- The Old Incinerator --
Slabs of concrete
Have rods of iron
Bent & twisted
This way &
Small empty plastic
Milk bottles
Are pierced & hung
As decorations
Here & there
A testament to the
Cut cord of
Childhood dreams
Wild & half-crazed college
Students like to laugh & play games
At the old
Abandoned incinerator
Crumbling with age
Among the naked & cold
Regal trees watching
Quietly from above
This thing that
Used to burn
With flames
That could never subside
Has died
& is of
Little use to anyone
It has become
A jungle gym for our
Vagabond youth &
Rebellious young adults
Fragile & wicked
In thier search for
They bump thier head
They stub thier toe
Not looking where they go
Where are they going? They do not know.
They just
Go ...
Into the rubble
For something ...
To themselves,
" We will attend
To these wounds
Later ..." As
- * -
--- Justice Has Only One Slave ---
We have seen how the most amiable heart can
Wither and close up
When wolves and hyenas draw near
Drive those scorpions from me!
Open the closet door that is my heart upon a shelf
That threatens and dares, "No one!" To come near
Come even closer than that
I want you
To fight these insatiable demons with me
With a blade that is called love and justice
Has only one slave
My heart
"Ardhanarisvara" Image credit: Company
-- Ardhanarisvara -- 8/2/2005
I am Ardhanarisvara
Experience with me
Dharma transvestism
Cerebral sex organ mysticism
Walk through life with me
Spiritually vibrating sexual energies at huge interstellar frequencies
I am the being that is half man half woman
I am the creature king & queen of America
I am breast & dick
Hard steel and lipstick
I am the hermaphrodite
That comes to you in the silver moonlight
I am the future that is tomorrow.
The sun bleeding across the sky
The transient transsexual angelic whore
The long-haired glam rock idol man
I am the effeminate 17th century French
Noble lord.
Past and present are synchronic.
I drink tea with my pinky extended
I molest handsome stable boy peasants
With a degree from Harvard University
I belch when I guzzle beer at the gay night club
I play party games with party girls
The world is coming to an end
And I watch it as a stoic statue of freedom, manhood
And macho immortality
I am the girl giggling next to you
I'm laughing at you
Because your gender stereotypes
Flatten you, make you small and insignificant.
They flatten the world.
I am Ardhanarisvara
I am both male and female elements in all living things
I am the sky, the Moon, the Earth and the Sun
Round and whole and moving faster than you can see
With naked eyes
I am universal
Pray with me
The Earth
Is exploding.
"Ardhanarishvara" Image Credit: Denise Cherubini A.K.A. Devin Hellfire

Image Credit: Denise Cherubini A.K.A. Devin Hellfire
Two recent poems and one not-so-recent poem:
-- The Old Incinerator --
Slabs of concrete
Have rods of iron
Bent & twisted
This way &
Small empty plastic
Milk bottles
Are pierced & hung
As decorations
Here & there
A testament to the
Cut cord of
Childhood dreams
Wild & half-crazed college
Students like to laugh & play games
At the old
Abandoned incinerator
Crumbling with age
Among the naked & cold
Regal trees watching
Quietly from above
This thing that
Used to burn
With flames
That could never subside
Has died
& is of
Little use to anyone
It has become
A jungle gym for our
Vagabond youth &
Rebellious young adults
Fragile & wicked
In thier search for
They bump thier head
They stub thier toe
Not looking where they go
Where are they going? They do not know.
They just
Go ...
Into the rubble
For something ...
To themselves,
" We will attend
To these wounds
Later ..." As
- * -
--- Justice Has Only One Slave ---
We have seen how the most amiable heart can
Wither and close up
When wolves and hyenas draw near
Drive those scorpions from me!
Open the closet door that is my heart upon a shelf
That threatens and dares, "No one!" To come near
Come even closer than that
I want you
To fight these insatiable demons with me
With a blade that is called love and justice
Has only one slave
My heart

"Ardhanarisvara" Image credit: Company
-- Ardhanarisvara -- 8/2/2005
I am Ardhanarisvara
Experience with me
Dharma transvestism
Cerebral sex organ mysticism
Walk through life with me
Spiritually vibrating sexual energies at huge interstellar frequencies
I am the being that is half man half woman
I am the creature king & queen of America
I am breast & dick
Hard steel and lipstick
I am the hermaphrodite
That comes to you in the silver moonlight
I am the future that is tomorrow.
The sun bleeding across the sky
The transient transsexual angelic whore
The long-haired glam rock idol man
I am the effeminate 17th century French
Noble lord.
Past and present are synchronic.
I drink tea with my pinky extended
I molest handsome stable boy peasants
With a degree from Harvard University
I belch when I guzzle beer at the gay night club
I play party games with party girls
The world is coming to an end
And I watch it as a stoic statue of freedom, manhood
And macho immortality
I am the girl giggling next to you
I'm laughing at you
Because your gender stereotypes
Flatten you, make you small and insignificant.
They flatten the world.
I am Ardhanarisvara
I am both male and female elements in all living things
I am the sky, the Moon, the Earth and the Sun
Round and whole and moving faster than you can see
With naked eyes
I am universal
Pray with me
The Earth
Is exploding.

"Ardhanarishvara" Image Credit: Denise Cherubini A.K.A. Devin Hellfire
how's your cold? gone, i hope