*************************************A HALLOWEEN EDITION JOURNAL ENTRY*******************************
Death By Copulation
It always fascinates me to see what goes on in the animal kingdom. I love, love, love watching animal planet...it stimulates my very active brain. So, last night I was watching this show called Animals Behaving Badly. If you've never seen it, watch it, it's hilarious & quite interesting to see what some animals do.
Some, or probably most, guys think (know) us females can be quite the bitch sometimes. We are nothing compared to the female praying mantis. During coitus, while the male is ejaculating, the female gets the male in a headlock, and eats the males head. Because the male has ganglion, like a "tiny brain", in it's abdomen, he continues to ejaculate. When she's finished, she kicks the male's body aside, to the ground or wherever, where he then dies.
Damaged Body Parts Still Attached
My ankle seems to be doing better now...I did ev'thing I was supposed to to with it & so far seems like it worked, although it does kinda look liked there has been a bit of a change in the appearance of my ankle itself & it's still a bit stiff. I've been doing some stretching & rotating & massaging so maybe that'll help.
Impending Rebirth
I haven't been around on here too much lately because I've been trying to clean out all the clutter in my apt. as I prepare for my potential move to Florida...if it all works out. I just want to be prepared to not have to take a bunch of junk with me. Well, it's not all "junk", I have quite a few things that are very sellable, some things that are practically new. So, I'll be posting some of those things on here pretty soon & on ebay...I'll do a post ahead of when I'll be posting the items so you will know if you want to check in & see if any of it is of interest to any of you.
Possible Death of a Hopeful, Birth of a SG
In other news, I'm about to start working on a SG set to submit. I've done some planning & practicing sort of stuff, & putting together my attire/setting and such, soooooo I hope this one will be accepted since my free membership will be expiring soon.
Kiss of the Hot Vampire Girl
I'm also wanting to make a sexy vampire video...inspired by a dream I had a few nights ago. The only thing I'm gonna say about what happened in the dream is....got it on with a red-headed vampire chick, who gave me an incredible orgasm.
It was so vivid that I actually woke up having an orgasm (this happens to me often), and I thought to myself... That was the best orgasm I've ever had, and why in the hell did I have to wake up from that dream?? Dammit!!! Then she bit me just before I woke up so I became one, too. There is much more to the dream I'll save for the video...yes, there will be blood! Mwahahahahaha!!! 
Like this....
Death By Copulation
It always fascinates me to see what goes on in the animal kingdom. I love, love, love watching animal planet...it stimulates my very active brain. So, last night I was watching this show called Animals Behaving Badly. If you've never seen it, watch it, it's hilarious & quite interesting to see what some animals do.
Some, or probably most, guys think (know) us females can be quite the bitch sometimes. We are nothing compared to the female praying mantis. During coitus, while the male is ejaculating, the female gets the male in a headlock, and eats the males head. Because the male has ganglion, like a "tiny brain", in it's abdomen, he continues to ejaculate. When she's finished, she kicks the male's body aside, to the ground or wherever, where he then dies.

Damaged Body Parts Still Attached
My ankle seems to be doing better now...I did ev'thing I was supposed to to with it & so far seems like it worked, although it does kinda look liked there has been a bit of a change in the appearance of my ankle itself & it's still a bit stiff. I've been doing some stretching & rotating & massaging so maybe that'll help.

Impending Rebirth
I haven't been around on here too much lately because I've been trying to clean out all the clutter in my apt. as I prepare for my potential move to Florida...if it all works out. I just want to be prepared to not have to take a bunch of junk with me. Well, it's not all "junk", I have quite a few things that are very sellable, some things that are practically new. So, I'll be posting some of those things on here pretty soon & on ebay...I'll do a post ahead of when I'll be posting the items so you will know if you want to check in & see if any of it is of interest to any of you.

Possible Death of a Hopeful, Birth of a SG
In other news, I'm about to start working on a SG set to submit. I've done some planning & practicing sort of stuff, & putting together my attire/setting and such, soooooo I hope this one will be accepted since my free membership will be expiring soon.

Kiss of the Hot Vampire Girl
I'm also wanting to make a sexy vampire video...inspired by a dream I had a few nights ago. The only thing I'm gonna say about what happened in the dream is....got it on with a red-headed vampire chick, who gave me an incredible orgasm.

Like this....
Oh dude, I'm totally a cunt. It's cool. I can take it.
isn't it the weirdest set of all time? i promise no drugs were involved in the planning of it haha.