The new one will be something else...involving my boobies...and the rest of my body also this time.

I also have plans for a new SG photoset. I know exactly what I'll be doing, and all of the props I need for it are done. I just need to get the setting up for it done, just have one more thing to do on it though. I'm close to finishing up something else I'm working on...a photoset I did for Emi, then I'll get to the vid & my photoset. I'm excited about it, & I hope this one gets accepted. I'm hoping for the same for Emi's set. I'm kind of feeling the need to get more serious about doing photos again.
Looking forward to heading to Florida soon. Haven't decided exactly when yet, but sometime in August. I'm going down for vacation, but also to check out potential places to live. I'm also gradually "downsizing" here, throwing out junk I don't need or use, & I'll be getting things together to sell pretty soon, too, getting ahead for the move there in the near future. I don't want to have to move anything I don't have to. Seems like every time I've moved my "junk" gets moved with me, and always does nothing but sit there...until it's time to move again....not doing that this time. I'm planning to have a very organized move this time...never have I done that either. It's just best for me now, doing things in moderation. I know now how much easier it is on me, physically, emotionally, & little stress as possible!

Some of the things off the top of my head are:
Thought I'd see if my bod is beach ready...what do ya think?
I experimented with some hairstyles yesterday. After I shaved the back underside of my hair, I tried I've actually never tried before...
(Yeah, I do my hair naked sometimes! Lol...I'm sure there won't be any complaints about that though.
Sort of a half-hawk I guess...I discovered it takes a lot of spike gel & hair spray to get it to stand up.) I'm sure I could rock a hawk, as long as I get my face all primped out & put on an outfit that RAWKS! HAHA!
Then after I showered off the hair, I did this...
(How's this for bathroom erotica! )
(I actually curled my hair, which I haven't done in a looooong time. I usually just blow dry it & go over it with a flat iron.)
I am trying to let the rest of my hair grow out a bit, so I can do more things with it. I miss having some hair to work with, not really long or anything, just maybe to my shoulders or something like that. Too much hair puts some stress on my neck...which is why I started with the short hair a few years ago after my neck surgeries. I actually did have somewhat long hair like in '06.
I made brownies the night before last. They were yummy, too! (Still eating on them...haha! Out of 12 brownies I have like 4 left I think. I just have a really hard time resisting chocolate.)
The day before yesterday would have been my deceased mother's b-day, so I thought I'd bake something yummy for it. Happy Birthday Mom! I miss you!
Well, I guess that's all for now. I need to hit the sack...tired & sleepy meds are kicking in.
Luvs to all!
By the way, have I mentioned,
You're moving to FLA?