Why leave me with a breaking heart?
Why leave me with abundant tears?
How can he leave me this way?
His reasons remain undisclosed...
Except for a brief message
with an apology and an excuse.
Why? Was it not real?
After three years and a half love affair,
separated only by distance,
came a sudden absence
and a week long silence.
Endless days and nights
spent as if only two beings
existed in this world.
Now, suddenly,
it's like it never happened...
like we never happened.
Like an empty wrapper,
I've been discarded.
How can this be?
No explanation. No answers.
An ending to this,
had been perceived
as a romantic love story...
with a happily ever after...
not like this.
Why leave me with abundant tears?
How can he leave me this way?
His reasons remain undisclosed...
Except for a brief message
with an apology and an excuse.
Why? Was it not real?
After three years and a half love affair,
separated only by distance,
came a sudden absence
and a week long silence.
Endless days and nights
spent as if only two beings
existed in this world.
Now, suddenly,
it's like it never happened...
like we never happened.
Like an empty wrapper,
I've been discarded.
How can this be?
No explanation. No answers.
An ending to this,
had been perceived
as a romantic love story...
with a happily ever after...
not like this.