So, I went to my doc the other day, and I told him the trial bottle of this med he gave me actually helped a great deal...when I took it like I should have. When he first gave them to me, I only took them for a few days & gave up on them...even though they were helping. I read that some or all of the side effects can subside after taking them for a while. Well, some of you may recall from a previous blog about how terrible I was feeling with debilitating pain. I was desperate, so I found the bottle of those pills I had left & started taking the rest of them on a consistent basis with the intention of continuing them until my doc appt. to ask him to switch me to them from the other med I was taking for the fibromyalgia. So, when I went back to him I told them how well they worked & he changed me to it, Lyrica. It is already helping quite well, although I am having some of the side effects. I'd rather have the side effects than the sometimes debilitating widespread chronic pain. I imagine it will take about 4-8 weeks for me to start getting the full effects of it, as with most new medications, and for some of the side effects to subside. Some of the side effects I've been having are: blurred vision, dizziness, anxiety, feeling loopy or high (not that there is anything wrong with that), feeling a bit jittery, & sometimes drowsy.
As for right now, not only is my apt. a romper room for my two dogs & guinea pig, it is for me sort of, too. Just now I went to sit down, lost my balance, completely missed the chair, and landed my ass in the floor. It appears this medication could be a slight hazard for a while, as well as having to schedule my driving around taking it, but it is kicking some of my pain's ass!
And, that's what matters!
Wish me luck in making it through the road (hopefully short) of these side effects until they hopefully subside because I think this drug may be the one that helps me.
Did everyone watch the Michael Jackson memorial today...or did anyone get to go to it? I wish I could have went. I never got to see any of his shows, and now I wish I had. I bet it was awesome to be there at the memorial today though. Michael's daughter, Paris, made me (and I'm sure millions of others) cry when she was up there saying her daddy was the best father and how much she loves him. Soooooo sad.
Well, my [former] sister has cut me to the bone for the last time because of her lame ass husband whom she refuses to stand up to when he pulls his thing of shutting out her family members. This wasn't the first time...more like dozens of times, and every time I've let it go & put it in the past. I refuse to let it go anymore. He & she both ruined my opportunity to see my dad on fathers day & to see my grandmother that day (who is dying btw). I'm not taking her (or his) crap anymore. I've never liked him from the day she married him because he treats her like she is his servant, not a wife. She is not allowed to have her own opinions & forced to go along with him whatever he says...even if it's something against her own flesh & blood. So this time, I've just decided to act like I don't have a sister anymore...she is dead to me. Yeah, strong words I know, but if you put together all of the times she has hurt me like this because of him, it would equal tons of heartache & pain she's caused me. And, it seems I'm going to have to take her to small claims court to recoup a large sum of money she borrowed & was supposed to have paid me back at tax time last year. I've been nice about it up to now & haven't said anything about it, even though she was supposed to have started making payments to me a long time ago. So anyway, I have no sister anymore.
So onto better things. I am planning a move to Florida in the near future. It's time for another change for me. Charlotte doesn't have too much to offer me anymore, so it's time to move on to the next chapter in my life. I'll be going there within the next month to find a place to live.
Also, I'm going on a trip to India for about 2 weeks in September to see someone special, and I'm working on a few of other things you'll be seeing hopefully soon. Ok, I'll give you a hint...2 include my boobs & 1 includes someone else's boobs.
Must get sleep now...busy tomorrow! I'll leave y'all with some random phone piccies...
(This first one was on webcam.)
In bed...

My piggie perched on top of the couch.

Chatting on my laptop after giving myself a much needed haircut.

Weird clouds...kinda looks like an explosion doesn't it?

Silly messing around w/pic of my Rudy.

And, my Murphy. (This is a cute little bear sit thing he does...not standing
on his hind legs, but sitting up on his butt.)

So, I went to my doc the other day, and I told him the trial bottle of this med he gave me actually helped a great deal...when I took it like I should have. When he first gave them to me, I only took them for a few days & gave up on them...even though they were helping. I read that some or all of the side effects can subside after taking them for a while. Well, some of you may recall from a previous blog about how terrible I was feeling with debilitating pain. I was desperate, so I found the bottle of those pills I had left & started taking the rest of them on a consistent basis with the intention of continuing them until my doc appt. to ask him to switch me to them from the other med I was taking for the fibromyalgia. So, when I went back to him I told them how well they worked & he changed me to it, Lyrica. It is already helping quite well, although I am having some of the side effects. I'd rather have the side effects than the sometimes debilitating widespread chronic pain. I imagine it will take about 4-8 weeks for me to start getting the full effects of it, as with most new medications, and for some of the side effects to subside. Some of the side effects I've been having are: blurred vision, dizziness, anxiety, feeling loopy or high (not that there is anything wrong with that), feeling a bit jittery, & sometimes drowsy.

Did everyone watch the Michael Jackson memorial today...or did anyone get to go to it? I wish I could have went. I never got to see any of his shows, and now I wish I had. I bet it was awesome to be there at the memorial today though. Michael's daughter, Paris, made me (and I'm sure millions of others) cry when she was up there saying her daddy was the best father and how much she loves him. Soooooo sad.

Well, my [former] sister has cut me to the bone for the last time because of her lame ass husband whom she refuses to stand up to when he pulls his thing of shutting out her family members. This wasn't the first time...more like dozens of times, and every time I've let it go & put it in the past. I refuse to let it go anymore. He & she both ruined my opportunity to see my dad on fathers day & to see my grandmother that day (who is dying btw). I'm not taking her (or his) crap anymore. I've never liked him from the day she married him because he treats her like she is his servant, not a wife. She is not allowed to have her own opinions & forced to go along with him whatever he says...even if it's something against her own flesh & blood. So this time, I've just decided to act like I don't have a sister anymore...she is dead to me. Yeah, strong words I know, but if you put together all of the times she has hurt me like this because of him, it would equal tons of heartache & pain she's caused me. And, it seems I'm going to have to take her to small claims court to recoup a large sum of money she borrowed & was supposed to have paid me back at tax time last year. I've been nice about it up to now & haven't said anything about it, even though she was supposed to have started making payments to me a long time ago. So anyway, I have no sister anymore.
So onto better things. I am planning a move to Florida in the near future. It's time for another change for me. Charlotte doesn't have too much to offer me anymore, so it's time to move on to the next chapter in my life. I'll be going there within the next month to find a place to live.
Also, I'm going on a trip to India for about 2 weeks in September to see someone special, and I'm working on a few of other things you'll be seeing hopefully soon. Ok, I'll give you a hint...2 include my boobs & 1 includes someone else's boobs.

Must get sleep now...busy tomorrow! I'll leave y'all with some random phone piccies...
(This first one was on webcam.)

In bed...

My piggie perched on top of the couch.

Chatting on my laptop after giving myself a much needed haircut.

Weird clouds...kinda looks like an explosion doesn't it?

Silly messing around w/pic of my Rudy.

And, my Murphy. (This is a cute little bear sit thing he does...not standing
on his hind legs, but sitting up on his butt.)

Sorry,I was distracted by the TITTIES!

It does kinda look like an explosion.