(I do not claim to be a sex expert, but I do know what works for me.)
Questionnaires and surveys have shown that between 35-50% of sexually active women have experienced the expulsion of fluid during orgasm at some point.
Some women either have no idea that they can, don't try, or don't even care. In my opinion, if you are a sexually active woman, & you try to really enjoy a sexual encounter, you can go to the extent to reach the pleasure of squirting. If women experiment with themselves all alone, they can become more aware of what their body is capable of. This is fluid that comes out of the urethra, but it is not urine. It is a substance that is equivalent to the substance that men excrete when they ejaculate (except it doesn't have sperm in it). It happens with stimulation of the G spot. I speak from experience. I have squirted many times. I never tried to make myself squirt, it just happened one time, and from that moment on I just know when I'm going to. (It helps if you have a sexual partner whom you have no inhibitions with & feel free to feel what you holding back.)
So, if you want to make your girl squirt, here is how you do it:
First, she needs to empty her bladder.
Second, make sure you & her are in an environment that you cannot be phones, no kids, no distractions. Be in a place where she is most comfortable. If she is into porn videos, those help to get her aroused as well. (These work for me, too, whether it's a girl being fucked by a guy or by a girl wearing a strap-on or girl oral sex.) Do whatever it takes to get her relaxed...massage, relaxing music, candles, etc. Take it slow, no reason to rush thru it.
Third, now that she is completely relaxed, you can either use your fingers, a dildo or vibrator, or your penis. The G-spot is on the front inside wall of the vagina, and the texture feels different than the rest of the vagina, kinda rough textured. It is about a fingers length from the opening of the vagina. Using something for lubrication, (I prefer KY Silk), start to stimulate the G spot, back & forth or in a circular motion....whatever feels best to her. If it's the first time you are trying this, I would suggest using your fingers so you can get a better feel for it...unless your girl is very vocal during sex, knows her body, & she can tell you when you are in the right spot. One thing you can do during this process is put some pressure on her lower abdomen with your other hand, which will press your fingers in closer contact with her G spot.
Fourth & last, at this point, she should be quite aroused & feel like she has to pee. I can assure you, this feeling is not pee. (I suspect this could be the reason why some women are reluctant to push or go with the feeling because she thinks she has to pee.) If it makes you and/or her feel better or more at ease about it, put a towel underneath her as some are conscientious about making a mess. When she gets that she has to pee, you should pull your fingers or whatever you have inside her out, then she should place her index & middle fingers on her outer labia & pull expose the opening. She should push with that "feeling of having to pee" & a clear liquid will squirt out from her urethra.
And there you go, you made your girl squirt!
It is a wonderful experience, & I hope my explanation of it helps anyone who wishes to do so. Like I said, I don't claim to be any kind of sex expert or anything, but this I do know...what works for me, & I hope it works for you, too. If you have any questions about it feel free to ask me. Why did I post this? Well, I've seen people asking about it here & there, & since it can be a very pleasurable & proud moment, I just wanted to offer my personal knowledge of it.
(I do not claim to be a sex expert, but I do know what works for me.)
Questionnaires and surveys have shown that between 35-50% of sexually active women have experienced the expulsion of fluid during orgasm at some point.
Some women either have no idea that they can, don't try, or don't even care. In my opinion, if you are a sexually active woman, & you try to really enjoy a sexual encounter, you can go to the extent to reach the pleasure of squirting. If women experiment with themselves all alone, they can become more aware of what their body is capable of. This is fluid that comes out of the urethra, but it is not urine. It is a substance that is equivalent to the substance that men excrete when they ejaculate (except it doesn't have sperm in it). It happens with stimulation of the G spot. I speak from experience. I have squirted many times. I never tried to make myself squirt, it just happened one time, and from that moment on I just know when I'm going to. (It helps if you have a sexual partner whom you have no inhibitions with & feel free to feel what you holding back.)
So, if you want to make your girl squirt, here is how you do it:
First, she needs to empty her bladder.
Second, make sure you & her are in an environment that you cannot be phones, no kids, no distractions. Be in a place where she is most comfortable. If she is into porn videos, those help to get her aroused as well. (These work for me, too, whether it's a girl being fucked by a guy or by a girl wearing a strap-on or girl oral sex.) Do whatever it takes to get her relaxed...massage, relaxing music, candles, etc. Take it slow, no reason to rush thru it.
Third, now that she is completely relaxed, you can either use your fingers, a dildo or vibrator, or your penis. The G-spot is on the front inside wall of the vagina, and the texture feels different than the rest of the vagina, kinda rough textured. It is about a fingers length from the opening of the vagina. Using something for lubrication, (I prefer KY Silk), start to stimulate the G spot, back & forth or in a circular motion....whatever feels best to her. If it's the first time you are trying this, I would suggest using your fingers so you can get a better feel for it...unless your girl is very vocal during sex, knows her body, & she can tell you when you are in the right spot. One thing you can do during this process is put some pressure on her lower abdomen with your other hand, which will press your fingers in closer contact with her G spot.
Fourth & last, at this point, she should be quite aroused & feel like she has to pee. I can assure you, this feeling is not pee. (I suspect this could be the reason why some women are reluctant to push or go with the feeling because she thinks she has to pee.) If it makes you and/or her feel better or more at ease about it, put a towel underneath her as some are conscientious about making a mess. When she gets that she has to pee, you should pull your fingers or whatever you have inside her out, then she should place her index & middle fingers on her outer labia & pull expose the opening. She should push with that "feeling of having to pee" & a clear liquid will squirt out from her urethra.
And there you go, you made your girl squirt!

i heart you....