Well, I know it has been forever since I've posted anything. The last couple of months have been kinda crazy.
Next Friday, the 23rd, I'm finally getting.....
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This is a different pic than I posted before, but after my consult today, trying out different sizes, etc., this is closer to what they will look like. I can hardly wait! I'm so excited!

I'm also getting something else done the same day, but you'll have to wait to see what it is.
Back to my Thanksgiving Day:
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
First, I was sick, flu, and it seems like during the winter I get sick like that on & off throughout the season. It sucks. Anyway, I usually go down to spend the holiday w/the family. I didn't really feel like going as I was so tired, weak, & sickly, but my niece was begging me to come. At the time, I was in the process of treating my dog Murphy for a urinary tract infection, and he was kinda having trouble holding his urine...it just kinda came out w/out warning. So, I hated the thought of having him pee all over my sis' house, AND since my bro-in-law complains enough as it is about my dogs, I could imagine how that would go down. All in all it really was a bad time, plus I kinda had a bad feeling about it, but I went anyway. I went to bed early the night before and woke up early to get ready for the trip. As I was getting ready, I just really felt like crap, so I had to lie back down for a while. I eventually headed out about noon, and I called my sis to let her know I'd be about 30mins later than I expected. She had told me they'd planned to eat T-giving dinner by 1:30pm, and it takes me 2 hrs to get there...give or take depending on conditions. So, I told her I expected to be there by 2pm and asked her if they could wait til I got there to eat. She said that would be fine. Little did I know that I'd have to stop twice to let Murphy pee, stop for gas, and scrub the right rear side of my car on a steel gas pump guard rail. So, after all that, it's 2pm, and I'm still not there. I called them to let them know I'd be there in about 30 mins, she said ok. Finally, I get there, stressed & frazzled already, sick, & tired only to find out they had eaten w/out me. I didn't spend almost 3 hrs on the road to sit down by myself to eat Thanksgiving dinner. They had eaten @ 2pm, 45 mins b4 I got there, and apparently right after my last call. I couldn't eat, my stress level was beyond repair. So, I went to my sister & reminded her that I asked for one simple thing (mind you that no one there was going to starve to death in a matter of 45 mins). She rattles off, quite hatefully I might add, "Dinner was ready & you said you'd be here at 1:30!!!" In my opinion, if at some point I have gone out of my way to do something to help someone out, then sometime later when I need something they seem to have forgotten that I did something for them that I didn't have to do & they can't do something for me, well, that just pisses me the fuck off...especially when it's my own flesh & blood. Well, I told my sister that the next time she needed $2000 to "get her bills caught up" aka take her family on a beach vacation, not to ask me for it. Yeah, she fucking lied to me, played on my sympathy to get me to loan her money, & she uses it to take her family to the fucking beach! Well, anyway, after all that mess, I started loading up my dogs, and my aunt follows me out the door begging me not to be mad at my sister & tells me that I hurt my sister's feelings. What??!!! Are you fucking kidding me??!!! I told her to stay out of it and to mind her own business. Then, she starts cussing me out, and telling me she didn't have to "put up with this shit". So, I'm like, "Well stupid, you're the one who brought your ass out here & stuck your nose in MY business!" Well, that was it, I was completely fucking done, and refused to give thanks for that shit!. I loaded up my dogs & put our asses back on the road for 2 1/2 more hours to come home & have fettucine noodles & garlic bread for Thanksgiving dinner.
Sadly, I found out there was a lot more to my Murphy's frequent, uncontrollable urination. He had also been panting quite often when he hadn't been exerting himself, and he would drink his water bowl empty all at one time til he'd make himself sick. He seemed like he hadn't had any water in a week & he was thirsting to death. I recognized the symptoms. So, I took him back to the vet & informed them of my suspicion. They tested him...for diabetes, and that's what it was. His blood sugar level was like around 350 or so. I have to give him a shot of insulin every 12 hrs for the rest of his life. If that wasn't enough, the vet told me that he is developing cataracts, and that he will be blind w/in the next year. I think I was on emotional overload because as soon as she told me that I burst into tears.
My poor baby! I give him lots of extra love & affection every chance I get. Giving the shots has taken some getting used to, for me & him. He's been a trooper though, taking his medicine like a big boy, and he gets a spoonful of peanut butter on a saucer while I give him the shot so he knows he gets a reward for having to go thru that. I know the rest of his life now is going to be challenging, but I will do all I can to make sure he has the best I can give him.
Other stuff:
My desktop computer is screwed up, black screen that tells me a .dll file is missing or corrupted & cannot boot. I was sleeping when this occurred, perhaps a leprechaun snuck in & downloaded malicious content?? Fortunately, I have my laptop. Hopefully, my external drive still has all of my photos on it. I'll have to hook it up to my laptop to make sure. I have some pix to post from my Atlanta trip with Sadista & Lorannah, and from our New Year's Eve party. I loaded them on my desktop & external drive, which is usually the first thing I do when I upload them. I think I still have them all on my camera though anyway.
My hair is blonde again...except my bangs, they are black still, I just took the red out. I just had to give it some time to get a bit more healthy before processing my hair again. It's in great condition now thanks to Wen haircare, & no breakage occurred. This makes me happy.
I dropped a mirror & broke it in my bathroom a few weeks ago. Am I superstitious? Yes.
I'm addicted to Tiger Woods PGA Tour '09. I've already earned 20 mil on it & 2 mos. away from finishing the whole first season. Too bad the money is not real.
I love golf...something I'd love to do more of this year when it gets warm.