Well, Purgatory was fun...
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
until I found myself amid the "Purgatory camera police". I know they have always prohibited cameras in the past, and I've never tried to get around it. In light of the fact that Purgatory is going to be ending soon, I didn't really think it would matter. We didn't get to meet up before we got there, and when I got there no one was at the door searching bags & stuff so I figured it was cool. I just wanted a few pix of us. As soon as I took my camera out, took a pic of
Sadista, this nimrod was all up in our shit w/"erase it". Bah...whatever!
I can understand them getting all riled up about ppl takin pix of the dancers & performers since they pay photographers to take their pix, but I was takin a pic of
my friend and had no intentions of takin pix of anybody that was working there. I know most of the Single Cell ppl anyway, and they know I wouldn't do that. So, anyway, we went in the bathroom & took some pix of us. (I won't even go into the shit they gave me at the end of the night...fucking lame ass rent-a-cops.)
Soooooo here we are... (Sawwy Private Parts I didn't get to take any pix of you. )
(Myspace style mirror pic...ha)
P.S. Looks like my left bewbie iz bout to fall owt.^