I haz a new baby to welcome to my animal family! His name is Calypso! Ain't he cute??
I got him today. He's a guinea pig. I almost got a chinchilla, and I dunno I may still get one cuz Calypso looks quite lonely in that cage all by himself!

I know chinchilla's are expensive, but they have a life span of like 15 yrs....much like a dog. I paid $300 for Murphy, and $500 for Rudy, so I think it might be worth it. I'll see how the adjustment is to this one first. Murphy & Rudy don't quite know what to make of him yet, but their reaction wasn't bad. They seemed to act like they had a new play partner, but they scared Calypso at first. I held him to let them do all that sniffin stuff. Once I saw they were ok with him, I put him down. He scurried into a corner, Rudy just sat there with a confused look on his face, and Murphy started chasing & pawing at him like he was a freaking cat!

It was kinda cute though. I think they are going to get along just fine! I took Calypso into Walmart with me to get him a cage and supplies ( I would have spent twice as much on that stuff at the pet store!). I stuck him inside my hoodie & zipped it up. He crawled his way around to my back, so I was holding him up. People kept looking at me & laughing. Well, I couldn't leave him in the car & had no where to put him at home! Anyway, while I was looking at supplies, it felt really warm where he was perched in my hoodie. That little butt peed on me!!!
Anyway, I'm happy to have a new baby to play with...since Murphy & Rudy are a little bit older they don't play much anymore except when they roll around and play with each other sometimes. I never had a guinea pig before, and I found out they do something really cute when you are being affectionate, holding them or whatever. He makes this cute little whimpering noise getting all snuggled up to you. It's so cute!!!!!