*Yes, this is another long entry, nobody was around me for company this evening to have a blabbing session with so I was bored sitting here waiting for my food to digest some b4 I go to sleep (food is staying down so far after feeling nauseous & wanting to vomit earlier...and took all my meds & wanted them to all kick in, too. Oh, and I had a relaxing bath a little bit ago as well & that made me feel a little better. I just tend to get talkative, loopy, & silly n stuff when I'm really sleepy and/or already taken my nighttime meds that make me like to blabber...kinda like a kid or baby when they try to do everything they can to fight sleep! One way I guess to pour out the days stresses or whatever else you need to get out and talk about, I think it can be very therepeutic for some people when even though they are not talking directly to a person, it's there for some read it, and you still got to get out the days' stresses] (I'm gonna go to one of those day spas reaaaal sooooon! (o; *
Influenza Defined: Influenza (commonly called the "flu") is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses.
Influenza Symptoms:
Fever (usually high)
Tiredness (can be extreme)
Sore throat
Runny or stuffy nose
Body aches
Diarrhea and vomiting
Influenza F.Y.I.:
It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death.
The best way to prevent the flu is by getting a flu vaccination each year. Every year in the United States, on average 5% to 20% of the population gets the flu; more than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu complications, and; about 36,000 people die from flu. Some people, such as older people, young children, and people with certain health conditions, are at high risk for serious flu complications.
I can definitely say I have/have had all of these symptoms in the last week & a half. Being sick was so much easier when I was a kid because kids still have the energy to run around vigorously outside as fast as they can, like there will be no tomorrow & this is, I believe, a strategy of the kid to work the sickness out of them. Apparently, this running around vigorously causes all of the snot that was previously clogging up the kids nose to loosen and sliver out of the nose onto the kids upper lip. Of course the kid couldn't ruin their running spree by going inside and getting a tissue or something to remove said snot, so the only other alternative is to twist their face to the side, raise the arm, and rub said snot of with the sleeve of their shirt. A kid throws up, that's it, it's out of the body, a few saltine crackers & 7up, kid can start playing again.
In the middle of Home Depot today, I started getting a hot feeling all over my body, dizzy & nauseous, like I was on the verge of barfing & passing out, there was also a bit of that *rumble rumble* from my tummy below. So, ok I have all I need here...time to go! This was after having been to the camera store where the associate helped me pic out a remote for my camera. So, I get home & check it out and all...not only does it not work, but the list of compatible cameras does not show my camera. I call the store and inform them, and told the guy on the phone what the other guy sold me. He confirmed it was the incorrect remote for my camera. So, I had to drive all of the way up there AGAIN, to return that one and get the right one. I said, "So...what kind of discount are you going to get me on the other one SINCE I DID HAVE TO DRIVE ALL THE WAY BACK UP HERE...IN THE RAIN??" He said he would give me one, and he did $6 off a $40 remote. Not too bad.
I did wake up at 2 am & couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up, walked my dogs, got something for breakfast, eat & watch some t.v. & got online for a bit. After the sun came up, I went to the bank, paid rent, signed a new lease, and paid another bill. When I got back home I got to work on my photo room cleaning project that was pretty productive. I cleaned out some more trash & junk, started a pile of stuff to go to goodwill (if I can't sell anything first). And, I got a lot of the stuff to keep in its place. I feel so content when I know I'm making progress getting things organized and in its place. I do as much as I can on it each day when I feel up to it, but it has been hard since I've been sick & had no energy. I'm just so anxious to get it done & ready for photoshoots. I know that doing this will make me be more responsible about putting forth the neccessary effort required to make my photography business thrive. It will also give me the opportunity to shoot more & more, and get more experience practicing and such. It will motivate me as well to get my photography site done so I can get myself/my photography out there.
I really love that I'm getting closer & closer to something I've always wanted in my life, making the most of my photography. I'm very happy about this! Besides a few kinks in the day, I feel pretty good about it. Having to go back to the camera store after midday did put a kink in my plans since it took me 20 mins to get there, and in rush hour traffic, about 40 mins to get back...and got stuck out in the rain, too. Traffic was at a stand still most of the way home, and that sucked!
A little bit later, after I got home, I started noticing that around my ribs, front left side under my boob, and back left side under my shoulder blade, it is feeling kinda painful...like pulling myself up, twisting & turning, deep breathing, etc. I think, well pretty sure since I've had this happen before this is what it is...cartilage torn from the rib bone...FROM COUGHING MY HEAD OFF, causing strain on my chest & ribs. It does feel like when I had if before, and I guess I'll know tomorrow as with that type of injury it progresses to excrutiating pain w/in 2 or 3 days. Argh! I hope it's not & doesn't get worse...that's all I need right now!
Prior to going to the camera store, I had pulled over in a parking lot, (that leads to the rear drive behind stores), to pull up the directions to the camera store. While doing this, I was smoking so I had my window down. The next thing I hear is, "Ehhhhhhhhhhgegegege....blublublublublub..." Then, all of the sudden I'm getted trashed with dirt & debris from the MIGRANT WORKER WITH A LEAF BLOWER!!! I saw him coming up in my rear view mirror, and did he pass by blowing the other parts of the pkg lot that was almost empty w/no one around??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! He comes up from the rear of my car, BLOWING dirt & debris all over my car & then blowing it in my open window. I jumped outta that car like a bat outta hell. I shot my mouth off at him with every bit of smart ass attitude I had in me & let him have it. I was like, "Duuuuuuuuuude, WHY IN THE HELL ARE YOU BLOWING THAT SHIT ON ME AND MY CAR???" He responds with, "Why arrrt yo parrrrrka yorrrrrr car heeere?" I said, "That's none of your business, but I'm pulled over to find a place on my navigation so I'm not messing with it on the road. ANYWAY, I don't have to explain that to you because this is a public parking lot, you obviously saw me sitting here with my window down yet you blow that shit on me anyway!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM???" Not like I haven't already been dealing with allergies and the flu for the last two weeks!!! My eyes are still sore from all the dust he blew in my eyes...feels like there's still tiny pieces back around my eyeball! Anyway, I tried to get the name of his company & who he worked for and all, but DAMN all of the sudden either he couldn't hear me or that particular sentence set off a language barrier because he sure as hell wasn't gonna tell me. Then, he's walking off calling someone on his phone. I told the ladies up at the apt. office about it & they gave me name of a landscaping service they think it is. So, if I can figure out who it was and if that is the right company the will either hear from/or see my ass tomorrow!
I'm soooooooooooooooo tired of these ppl who work in these jobs who think they don't have to have any respect for anyone they come in contact with. If this stuff in my eyes is not gone when I get up in the morning, I will find out what company it was, and they will be paying my doctor bill...Damn Fuckers!!!
Okay...I'm signing off now, I'm thoroughly doped up & primed to sleep....and tired since its almost the same time, 24 hrs later than when I woke up yesterday!
Ciao Babes!
Influenza Defined: Influenza (commonly called the "flu") is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses.
Influenza Symptoms:
Fever (usually high)
Tiredness (can be extreme)
Sore throat
Runny or stuffy nose
Body aches
Diarrhea and vomiting

Influenza F.Y.I.:
It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death.

I can definitely say I have/have had all of these symptoms in the last week & a half. Being sick was so much easier when I was a kid because kids still have the energy to run around vigorously outside as fast as they can, like there will be no tomorrow & this is, I believe, a strategy of the kid to work the sickness out of them. Apparently, this running around vigorously causes all of the snot that was previously clogging up the kids nose to loosen and sliver out of the nose onto the kids upper lip. Of course the kid couldn't ruin their running spree by going inside and getting a tissue or something to remove said snot, so the only other alternative is to twist their face to the side, raise the arm, and rub said snot of with the sleeve of their shirt. A kid throws up, that's it, it's out of the body, a few saltine crackers & 7up, kid can start playing again.
In the middle of Home Depot today, I started getting a hot feeling all over my body, dizzy & nauseous, like I was on the verge of barfing & passing out, there was also a bit of that *rumble rumble* from my tummy below. So, ok I have all I need here...time to go! This was after having been to the camera store where the associate helped me pic out a remote for my camera. So, I get home & check it out and all...not only does it not work, but the list of compatible cameras does not show my camera. I call the store and inform them, and told the guy on the phone what the other guy sold me. He confirmed it was the incorrect remote for my camera. So, I had to drive all of the way up there AGAIN, to return that one and get the right one. I said, "So...what kind of discount are you going to get me on the other one SINCE I DID HAVE TO DRIVE ALL THE WAY BACK UP HERE...IN THE RAIN??" He said he would give me one, and he did $6 off a $40 remote. Not too bad.
I did wake up at 2 am & couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up, walked my dogs, got something for breakfast, eat & watch some t.v. & got online for a bit. After the sun came up, I went to the bank, paid rent, signed a new lease, and paid another bill. When I got back home I got to work on my photo room cleaning project that was pretty productive. I cleaned out some more trash & junk, started a pile of stuff to go to goodwill (if I can't sell anything first). And, I got a lot of the stuff to keep in its place. I feel so content when I know I'm making progress getting things organized and in its place. I do as much as I can on it each day when I feel up to it, but it has been hard since I've been sick & had no energy. I'm just so anxious to get it done & ready for photoshoots. I know that doing this will make me be more responsible about putting forth the neccessary effort required to make my photography business thrive. It will also give me the opportunity to shoot more & more, and get more experience practicing and such. It will motivate me as well to get my photography site done so I can get myself/my photography out there.
I really love that I'm getting closer & closer to something I've always wanted in my life, making the most of my photography. I'm very happy about this! Besides a few kinks in the day, I feel pretty good about it. Having to go back to the camera store after midday did put a kink in my plans since it took me 20 mins to get there, and in rush hour traffic, about 40 mins to get back...and got stuck out in the rain, too. Traffic was at a stand still most of the way home, and that sucked!

Prior to going to the camera store, I had pulled over in a parking lot, (that leads to the rear drive behind stores), to pull up the directions to the camera store. While doing this, I was smoking so I had my window down. The next thing I hear is, "Ehhhhhhhhhhgegegege....blublublublublub..." Then, all of the sudden I'm getted trashed with dirt & debris from the MIGRANT WORKER WITH A LEAF BLOWER!!! I saw him coming up in my rear view mirror, and did he pass by blowing the other parts of the pkg lot that was almost empty w/no one around??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! He comes up from the rear of my car, BLOWING dirt & debris all over my car & then blowing it in my open window. I jumped outta that car like a bat outta hell. I shot my mouth off at him with every bit of smart ass attitude I had in me & let him have it. I was like, "Duuuuuuuuuude, WHY IN THE HELL ARE YOU BLOWING THAT SHIT ON ME AND MY CAR???" He responds with, "Why arrrt yo parrrrrka yorrrrrr car heeere?" I said, "That's none of your business, but I'm pulled over to find a place on my navigation so I'm not messing with it on the road. ANYWAY, I don't have to explain that to you because this is a public parking lot, you obviously saw me sitting here with my window down yet you blow that shit on me anyway!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM???" Not like I haven't already been dealing with allergies and the flu for the last two weeks!!! My eyes are still sore from all the dust he blew in my eyes...feels like there's still tiny pieces back around my eyeball! Anyway, I tried to get the name of his company & who he worked for and all, but DAMN all of the sudden either he couldn't hear me or that particular sentence set off a language barrier because he sure as hell wasn't gonna tell me. Then, he's walking off calling someone on his phone. I told the ladies up at the apt. office about it & they gave me name of a landscaping service they think it is. So, if I can figure out who it was and if that is the right company the will either hear from/or see my ass tomorrow!
I'm soooooooooooooooo tired of these ppl who work in these jobs who think they don't have to have any respect for anyone they come in contact with. If this stuff in my eyes is not gone when I get up in the morning, I will find out what company it was, and they will be paying my doctor bill...Damn Fuckers!!!

Okay...I'm signing off now, I'm thoroughly doped up & primed to sleep....and tired since its almost the same time, 24 hrs later than when I woke up yesterday!

Ciao Babes!

I never had the flu when I was a kid. But I never wanted to go on a running spree, whether I was sick or well. I was happiest inside reading a book.