is the hair. It is a temporary/8-10 shampoos. I really needed to bleach more of some gold tones from the part near my roots because it is more evident now w/the purple on it, but I really just wanted to see what it looked like. I also wanted to leave a little bit of blonde around my face. If I like it I can do more color just on the root part when I get it bleached out. I think I need to make a trip to the wondermous hair stylist who helped me out last time. I just hate to pay for someone to do something I can do myself. My hair has so many red/orange/gold undertones it just doesn't do it with one root bleaching...and that is putting it on the most porous part of my hair first. Maybe I'm just not getting it all in the right places. Hell, who knows! I'm afraid I'm gonna fry my hair til it all breaks off, but I really love the blonde! *sigh*
I miss this hair...
The last time my hair started getting so fried I couldn't do anything with it is when I picked up the trimmer and shaved it all off! I don't think I'm ready for that again, although I think at some point I'd like to do the "all close shaved but the bangs". I think that would look cool. My goal was to let my bangs grow to about chin length and leave the crown to the part that is shaved in the back spikey short. Maybe Ms. Hairstylist Wonder will have some words of wisdom for me (and, a really good hair treatment??). The thing I'm afraid of...well not afraid of, but squeamish about I guess, is that I go in there w/my hair woes, and she turns into a Cruella Deville version, cracks a whip and says, "Dumbass! Quit bleaching your hair!!!" I really hate it when people in those kinds of positions you go to with a problem trying to find an answer that is suitable for you are condescending and treat you like an idiot! She didn't seem like she would be that way, but hey, Ted Bundy didn't seem like a serial rapist/murderer either! is my hair...I think my insomniac binge from the last 30 hours is coming to an end and time for me to hit the sack...
*Cyanyde is also waitin for some Halloween goodies she ordered last week. They said 6 to 10 days for delivery. I know they always overestimate just in case so I expect my box of goodies to be here like today or tomorrow. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP I'm so excited. I get more excited about Halloween than I do my own birthday! Yay!!! When I get it, there will be pix...oh yes...there will be pix!
Tootie Jewels recovered...Nevermind!