So I had a productive it was a good's my list...
~laundry ***done
~give dogs a bath and wash dog bed ***done
~cleaned up my living room & kitchen ***done
~walked my dogs a few times today ***done
(it was really nice out today)
~work on some photos ***done
***and drum roll pleeeeaaase***
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~walked 2 1/2 miles on the treadmill for a whole hour THEN 15 mins on the cycle, burned almost 200 calories (according to the treadmill), lost a whole pound and a half..wooohooo ***done
(and that was a big one I have been trying to make myself do for a while now. I'm sure I'll be paying for it tomorrow...but very much worth it to get those buns of steel for spring/summer and for bathing suit wearing...
Which b.t.w....I am sooooooo ready for some warm weather to start, get rid of all these gloomy cold short days and long nights! I'm ready to start doing more stuff outdoors, like hanging out at the pool, hanging out with friends, get crunk parties, cookouts, etc... cuz I can only tolerate so much of cold weather...
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I learned something on the National Geographic Chnl that the icebergs in Greenland and Anarctica are melting 3 times faster than what is normal in their usual melt and freeze cycle, and lost 20% that have broken off and floated out to sea and melting. If this continues on this rapid cycle we will see a rise of about 20 feet in sea level, see more hurricanes from the warmer water mixing with the cold and the hurricanes will be more intense (size of a category 3 but wind and storm surge of category 5), if one hits New York, New York will be completely flooded (like in that movie with Jake Guylanhal and Dennis Quaid that I can't think of the name of right now) with about 20-30 feet of water I think it said...including the subways causing billions of dollars damage, and last but not least Florida is looking to lose a significant amount of its shoreline. Scientists are projecting this to occur, if this continues as it is, around the year 2045! I just thought all of that was quite interesting and fascinating. But, they did say that the amount of fossil fuels in the environment is playing a bit part in this one being Carbon Dioxide, along with the Global I think we should all go and plant trees to soak up all the excess Carbon Dioxide that is filling our atmosphere and if anyone is not recycling we all should. Can you imagine the difference it would make if every adult in the world planted a tree?? Just a little something to ponder about...
Ok I'm done with my lesson in geology... take this info and do with it what you will.
Those kinds of things really grab my attention, and always make me want to do my part to make a difference ya know? So, I thought that maybe by sharing that info would maybe help make some people aware. I myself have not been to savvy on that issue, so I'm glad to know now what a difference I could make by doing my part and informing others to know what they could do as well.
You can read more about it
>>>HERE<<< where it describes it in a little more detail.
We could all plant one of these eh?
I recycle. I should plant some trees where the stupid apt complex chopped some down. LittleFierceOne and I could go out in the middle of the night and plant little trees... mwahahaha!
Trees are pretty.
I had a bowl of cereal, yesterday, with good milk, and my tummy got upset, again. (not nearly as bad as the other day, though) I think I need to avoid large amounts of dairy for a few days, til my tummy gets back to normal. I wonder if yogurt counts...