Look everyone two days in a row that I've entered into my journal -- aren't you proud!!!!

I sure paid for the late night last night! I didn't fall asleep until 8:30. Totally forgetting I had to be up at 10. I'm so tired now but I really don't want to go to bed. *thinks of bathory's lit up bed* hmmm...maybe if mine was lit...
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i am so the pimp shit right now. my bed is full and it will be a good weekend.

no stupid poem?!?!?!!!
I guess I need to stop lingering and start paying more attention to this journal and also talking to more of you all. But it's so much easier to be a voyeur. I find that true in life in some ways though. Although I found that just watching gets boring after a while.

"Yep I'm rambling again"

This past week has been good I supposed....
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good answers. i picked me too. tongue

but your foreal answers were good.

the fabricate button is....UP YOUR ASS!


have a good day dear!
good poem! look at you mr. rockstar!
Wow! Sorry everyone I've been away for awhile!

Not like a whole bunch of you missed me anyways hehehe smile

Finally got some of my halloween pics up almost a month to late.

Always have been kind of a procrastinator. Oh well!

Just found out that one of my best friends is going to be leaving me frown
Jessie's going to Chicago at the end of December....
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It's nice to know that everyone out there loves me -- what with all the comments I have.
love you!

i would leave immediately. the thought of having whatever i want scares the hell out of me.

Well this is just fantastic -- sorry all I know said that I post pics, but I'm having trouble with me software that allows me to download my pics off of my camera. mad mad mad

As soon as I fix the problem it'll be to late -- oh well I will eventually post them

Thanks for the welcomes Aries, Bathory, and Adrienne.

Aries I put of my...
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awww ur welcome smile
Well Halloween was a blast!!!!!!

But I paid for it the next morning! Damn 151 and Coke.

Hope to have some pics from that night up some time today so you'll all have to checkem' out.
welcome to SG!!!!!!!!!!!
Well -- my first entry hmm... Well the first thing I have to say is girls are the devil mad

The past three relationships I've had all ended bitterly. One by which i have a little boy from. His mother and I were supposed to get married, but then i found out she was messing around with my friends (well not really friends anymore - obviously)...
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i would like to see your photography
hello mr fire-stare