OK folks I'm piss drunk and irate so don't be astonished at what drip from my fingers tonight.
Any one hear the expression, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you".
Well, here's my little twist on it -- If you throw the damn dog a bone and take it back, don't be surprised if the motherfucker bites you.
Sorry again I am a bit drunk and when I read this I suppose I'll laugh a bit, but nothing changes how I feel at this point. I guess it's because of all the games that women like to play. I mean why can't you all just come out with your feelings. If it hurts us so be it -- it's better that than leading us on -- or if you really do like us then damn it say so!! I am not a mind reader -- no matter how much you want me to be. Why can't women and men be more straight foward with each other. And the more I try the more all of you close up. Why do I have to always make the first move when the first move always seems as though it fails me no matter whether she interested or not. So this is what I declair -- If you want my attention I'm here but if not I'll be elsewhere. Start with the games and I'd rather play those with my son. Sad thing is folks is that I thought is was just the younger women that erupted such felling, but the reason I feel this right now is because of a women that is older and has a child that's older than mine, but yet still feels it appropriate to play the damn games.
I want him - I want him not!?!
What's all of that about??
Well since I've drank myself to such a profuse level tonight and I've been rambling on I believe it's time for me to pass out -- I did have a good time tonight anyway -- crazy stuff went on tonight -- ask me about it some other time because for now it's night night time for me!!!!!!!
Any one hear the expression, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you".
Well, here's my little twist on it -- If you throw the damn dog a bone and take it back, don't be surprised if the motherfucker bites you.
Sorry again I am a bit drunk and when I read this I suppose I'll laugh a bit, but nothing changes how I feel at this point. I guess it's because of all the games that women like to play. I mean why can't you all just come out with your feelings. If it hurts us so be it -- it's better that than leading us on -- or if you really do like us then damn it say so!! I am not a mind reader -- no matter how much you want me to be. Why can't women and men be more straight foward with each other. And the more I try the more all of you close up. Why do I have to always make the first move when the first move always seems as though it fails me no matter whether she interested or not. So this is what I declair -- If you want my attention I'm here but if not I'll be elsewhere. Start with the games and I'd rather play those with my son. Sad thing is folks is that I thought is was just the younger women that erupted such felling, but the reason I feel this right now is because of a women that is older and has a child that's older than mine, but yet still feels it appropriate to play the damn games.
I want him - I want him not!?!
What's all of that about??
Well since I've drank myself to such a profuse level tonight and I've been rambling on I believe it's time for me to pass out -- I did have a good time tonight anyway -- crazy stuff went on tonight -- ask me about it some other time because for now it's night night time for me!!!!!!!
glad your better. back to your rockstar self. glad you could blow off the steam. now i want you to remember this lesson, and from now on when you see a GIRL, run for your life. because i heard they have this new chip being built into them these days.....something about if they touch you you become a robot too......
i am going back to chicago too! you and i should both go to chicago sometime and hang out in a town that is not our own. what do you say? when its warm?