I had to take my little babygirl to the vet on Monday morning. The doc told me that there is nothing that could be done to help her. He offered to put her to sleep, but I took her home. I wanted her to die at home. With her friend Sid around, me around. On her couch, wrapped into her favorite blanket. I did not want her to die at a place she hated, surrounded by people she hated. Yesterday she left, I held her, wrapped in her blanket, on the couch, with Sid by her side, just as I had promised her...
RIP, Nancy, you were such a bad-ass cat. I´ll miss you like hell and will never forget you
@jthebarber09 , this was Nancy....she looked a little bit like your Pearl. :´(
Omg she's gorgeous. I'm trying to get my hands on a elf breed kitty.