I feel empty. Dead on the inside. Like one big stomach-ache. "The New
Poetry" was so great, and I bonded so tightly to the cast and crew that now that my link to them is gone, I'm broken. And I skipped out on the cast party to go perform the sketch I wrote with Eric at Midnight Theater. Which sucked. Our sketch was really funny. And the crowd just wasn't there for sketch comedy. Fuck them. I just feel very... alone.
Now, I once more seek solace in the concentrated bullshit that is an anthropologicized history of pageantry in the Japanese monarchy. I mean, Jesus Christ, how are we supposed to help ourselves, when this is all we have?
Cyalume... Out
Poetry" was so great, and I bonded so tightly to the cast and crew that now that my link to them is gone, I'm broken. And I skipped out on the cast party to go perform the sketch I wrote with Eric at Midnight Theater. Which sucked. Our sketch was really funny. And the crowd just wasn't there for sketch comedy. Fuck them. I just feel very... alone.
Now, I once more seek solace in the concentrated bullshit that is an anthropologicized history of pageantry in the Japanese monarchy. I mean, Jesus Christ, how are we supposed to help ourselves, when this is all we have?
Cyalume... Out
Eh, just shove something in my inbox that's not totally retarded within the next week.
Eh, I'll probably give you the deuce... but $15 gets you a shirt!