Alright, so I was having a pretty lame week, until I was able to, with my esteemed former roommate's help, convince myself to ask this girl in my history class out to coffee. That was Wednesday night. It was a good thing. Except she missed class Thursday. And, not having spoken to her outside of class, I felt it improper to just send her a random email, and actually calling her was out of the question.
I was, pardon the archaic, all in a tizzy. But then Louis suggested I simply email her my notes from the class. I was surprised at how good an idea this sounded, and Niesha even thought it was a good play. So I spent some time staraightening those out and sent them to her. And then I wrapped myself up in a bit of a funk, thinking she might have dropped the class or stumbled upon some awful fate (ball lightning) or some such, and that while I had time for a date this weekend, I really don't have time for one next weekend, and so on.
And then I crossed paths with her on the way to Chinese Hum friday morning. She smiled at me. She asked if it had been me that sent her notes. I nodded stupidly, smiled broadly and said "yeah!" And as she passed she said that they had been "very helpful."
And because I'm an idiot, and she's really cute, and because Doug Fix liked my exploratory a lot, and likes the paper topic I devised (which I ought to be working on now... =]), and because I got four hours of sleep that night, Friday was a whirlwind of "woohoo!"
It's a good thing.
I was, pardon the archaic, all in a tizzy. But then Louis suggested I simply email her my notes from the class. I was surprised at how good an idea this sounded, and Niesha even thought it was a good play. So I spent some time staraightening those out and sent them to her. And then I wrapped myself up in a bit of a funk, thinking she might have dropped the class or stumbled upon some awful fate (ball lightning) or some such, and that while I had time for a date this weekend, I really don't have time for one next weekend, and so on.
And then I crossed paths with her on the way to Chinese Hum friday morning. She smiled at me. She asked if it had been me that sent her notes. I nodded stupidly, smiled broadly and said "yeah!" And as she passed she said that they had been "very helpful."
And because I'm an idiot, and she's really cute, and because Doug Fix liked my exploratory a lot, and likes the paper topic I devised (which I ought to be working on now... =]), and because I got four hours of sleep that night, Friday was a whirlwind of "woohoo!"
It's a good thing.