I bought a Suit a few days ago, and pick it up from alteration tomorrow. This is no ordinary matched set of garments. No, it is the first suit I have purchased with my own funds. It is a simple, sharp black 3-button affair, but it holds for me a certain magic. I hope that it will be with me for some time. Perhaps, one day, it will be my Lucky Suit. It certainly made me look lucky, and that was before its tranformation to something more approximate to my own fairly atypical dimensions. The tiny asian woman marking it up with chalk had to stand on tip-toes to indicate, in some arcane Script, the precise extent to which it would be let out across my shoulders, which few garment makers seem to anticipate.
I can hear you, through the electronic Ether. my reader. I hear you asking "Why, O Sweet and Just Lord, why would he submit to the hegemonic Fashion-Fascism of Corporate America?! Why, indeed. I am engaged in a tournament this weekend, a debate of Thyngs Ethycal. While I might well have trotted out in jeans and a hoodie, I am in this competition representing The School of My Choice, and as such, I feel I should, within reason, subordinate my own will to that of the aforementioned Establishment. Besides, I wouldn't compete in a joust without armor. That would be Stupid. And worse, I would probably lose. And I am not a Loser.
I can hear you, through the electronic Ether. my reader. I hear you asking "Why, O Sweet and Just Lord, why would he submit to the hegemonic Fashion-Fascism of Corporate America?! Why, indeed. I am engaged in a tournament this weekend, a debate of Thyngs Ethycal. While I might well have trotted out in jeans and a hoodie, I am in this competition representing The School of My Choice, and as such, I feel I should, within reason, subordinate my own will to that of the aforementioned Establishment. Besides, I wouldn't compete in a joust without armor. That would be Stupid. And worse, I would probably lose. And I am not a Loser.
It's pretty demonic, yeah.