John F. Kennedy was a profound man. He got elected to the Presidency, in spite of his Catholicism. He had his head popped like a dropped cantaloupe by a Marine Corps veteran, and no one alive today will fail to recognize the tragedy of his demise. Truly profound.
Kennedy was not one to compromise. He cheated on his wife, who was probably one of the five most desirable women in the world, with Joe DiMaggio's wife, who was without doubt the Most Desirable Woman in the World.
One of Kennedy's convictions was to the legacy of Franklin Roosevelt, that conglomeration of Promises he called the New Deal. His claim that "a rising tide lifts all ships" has become a living eulogy to the New Deal.
Sure, it took FDR a couple swings to get it to work, but consider the debt we owe him for finally getting the ball out of the park. Can any of you imagine an America without real income redistribution? An America where 'the common good' meant 'what's good for me and maybe you'll get yours next time'? An America without the highway system?
I am not a Marxist, but before the New Deal the laboring proletariat were practically enslaved by industrialists. It is possible that the New Deal was meant to stave off the Socialist revolution that might have gobbled up this country had this division continued, but that question is immaterial.
The philosophy of the New Deal can be summed up in one simple sentence: Government should empower the governed. A good government should be like a good parent. Government should encourage the best elements and discourage the worst, not just in society but in every individual.
Kennedy also said something about not asking what our country can do for us. I appreciate the sentiment, particularly at the time, but now we have a different question before us. What must our country do for us? If these nationalist sharks keep running the tank, I, and a legion of concerned citizens with good hearts and good minds will simply leave. I do not want to be a Loser that badly. We will go and become faithful citizens of Another Country, one which enjoys and desires our Talents.
I ask you this: what is the bottom line? At what point will you leave the shark tank? Will you return with a large Boat and Dynamite and Chum?
Kennedy was not one to compromise. He cheated on his wife, who was probably one of the five most desirable women in the world, with Joe DiMaggio's wife, who was without doubt the Most Desirable Woman in the World.
One of Kennedy's convictions was to the legacy of Franklin Roosevelt, that conglomeration of Promises he called the New Deal. His claim that "a rising tide lifts all ships" has become a living eulogy to the New Deal.
Sure, it took FDR a couple swings to get it to work, but consider the debt we owe him for finally getting the ball out of the park. Can any of you imagine an America without real income redistribution? An America where 'the common good' meant 'what's good for me and maybe you'll get yours next time'? An America without the highway system?
I am not a Marxist, but before the New Deal the laboring proletariat were practically enslaved by industrialists. It is possible that the New Deal was meant to stave off the Socialist revolution that might have gobbled up this country had this division continued, but that question is immaterial.
The philosophy of the New Deal can be summed up in one simple sentence: Government should empower the governed. A good government should be like a good parent. Government should encourage the best elements and discourage the worst, not just in society but in every individual.
Kennedy also said something about not asking what our country can do for us. I appreciate the sentiment, particularly at the time, but now we have a different question before us. What must our country do for us? If these nationalist sharks keep running the tank, I, and a legion of concerned citizens with good hearts and good minds will simply leave. I do not want to be a Loser that badly. We will go and become faithful citizens of Another Country, one which enjoys and desires our Talents.
I ask you this: what is the bottom line? At what point will you leave the shark tank? Will you return with a large Boat and Dynamite and Chum?
That girl? You know her? She's potentially nerdy because she wore a shirt with a play on the Nintendo logo what said "Ni Entiendo." Hoo-rah.