Today was tremendous. The most meteorologically beautiful day I've been in quite some time. It was warm (slightly uncomfortably so, perhaps), sunny, with clouds scudding across the sky. I've never really properly understood that idiom, but I'm sure that that's what it was doing today.

And, as the sun set, the sadness of spring set in. It felt like spring several days ago, but I...
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Sorry to hear that, sugar. Ayn Rand has the same effect on me. :shudder:
Misogyny rules. :high-fives:
Last night was really great. We got all fucked up and played 8-person Halo. I kicked so much ass. We only played two matches: one deathmatch, which I dominated, surprisingly; and one four on four Capture the Flag, which my team won, after about 2 hours. I had the second-most kills, after Louis, with 197.


I have a Chinese Hum paper due at the...
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"I try not to be judgmental of people, but ______ is a whiny, dumpy, alcoholic little gargoyle."

Someone's not trying very hard then, it seems.
I needed to be tested tonight. I needed to fight with Chevalier in front of a cute asian girl. I think we had a bit of the old 'across the room' chemistry. But I am loathe to do anything that Sketchy Ethan might, vis a vis women. So all that was left was to show her how rad I am. But Chevalier had a migraine,...
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This is from an entry I wrote in a certain prestigious group's boards.

As a child I had recurring nightmares. Well, to clarify, one nightmare that recurred a great deal. I was Wile E. Coyote, minding my own business in my happy-go-lucky gadgety world of limited dimension and constantly shifting perspective.

Then this roadrunner, rather, The Roadrunner, would show up. Terrified, I would run. But...
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I've yet to try a Twinkie, but Peeps are truly amazing.
So... I spent most of my not-in-classes time today playing around with my brand spanking new wacom tablet. With a little slot in which to, ahem, stow one's stylus. Hot.

Had a quiz in Chinese Humanities this morning. I was pretty nervous after a rather poor showing at the one end of last semester, but I feel like I did okay. I actually knew what...
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T minus 11 days until break starts. Hot shit... I need to have my parents send my birth certificate over. That would be way too inconveniant. Yeeargh. I should also get off of my ass and get a passport. Silly world. Dinner time.
Eat me, Charline.
Sup Pei Li.

Please tell me you're not going to be meeting up with Lotus in Van, or I might just cry.
I totally want the shirt that says "You Down with Entropy?"

How's that for geek cred?
I just wrote an analysis of this poem (two pages, single-spaced) in an hour. Normally I shy away from literary analysis. I think that in doing such analyses we tend to divorce ourselves from the realities and the intent in a work.

Ten stanzas on the autumn rain (one of ten)
Yang Wanli (1127-1206CE)

I was sick of hearing the rain drip
from the beech...
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I just wrote an analysis of this poem (two pages, single-spaced) in an hour. Normally I shy away from literary analysis. I think that in doing such analyses we tend to divorce ourselves from the realities and the intent in a work.

Ten stanzas on the autumn rain (one of ten)
Yang Wanli (1127-1206CE)

I was sick of hearing the rain drip
from the beech...
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I feel empty. Dead on the inside. Like one big stomach-ache. "The New
Poetry" was so great, and I bonded so tightly to the cast and crew that now that my link to them is gone, I'm broken. And I skipped out on the cast party to go perform the sketch I wrote with Eric at Midnight Theater. Which sucked. Our sketch was really funny....
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Eh, just shove something in my inbox that's not totally retarded within the next week.
Eh, I'll probably give you the deuce... but $15 gets you a shirt!