"To calm this girl down, I tell her the story of my fish. This is fish number six hundred and forty-one is a lifetime of goldfish. My parents bought me the first one to teach me about loving and caring for another living breathing creature of God. Six hundred and forty fish later, the only thing I know is everything you love will die. The...
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"Questions raced through my mind--does she go wild during sex, does she come easily, does she freak out about oral sex, does she mind a guy coming in her mouth? Then I realized I won't go to bed with a girl if she won't do that. I also won't go to bed with a girl if she can't or won't have an orgasm because then,...
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I want Krispy Kreme and bigger tits.
If you're a student, you sign up for the Apple development network thingy. The student rate is 100$ a year. (You're limited to no more than 4 years, and they have to be contiguous.) Anyone in the developer program can get a certain amount of apple hardware (something like one of everything apple makes) per year at a 25-30% discount. I believe that iPods are on the list of what the discount applies to. So, if you were to buy the top end iPod, you'd save a few buck. Otherwise, it would be a money losing proposition. Really, the big win is signing up for ADC before you buy a powerbook or G5 tower.

Edit: the savings on an iPod actually almost can't cost justify once you take into account the 10% student discount you qualified for already. (These discounts don't stack.) Again, if you were already planning on a big apple purchase later in the year anyway, it would make sense. Otherwise, don't bother.

[Edited on Apr 07, 2004 3:44PM]
I feel like I want to run away. I can't say that I've ever had that sensation. I want to escape from everything. I want to beat feet until I hit Wenatchee, climb through the mountains in my worn out shoes. Visit my little cousin (who, I have to keep reminding myself, isn't so little anymore). Then I want to go home. I want to...
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I'm in love.

Lyrics to the tune: Huan Xi Sha, by Yen Shu (Song dynasty)

Only a moment, this seasons splendor,
this body, a bounded thing;
to part now as if it didnt matter
easily breaks the heart;
so dont be hasty, refusing
the partys wine, the banquets song.

Mountains and rivers fill our eyes, but care
is wasted on things too far;
besides which,...
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Last night was pretty great. I had like ten people in my cramped little 10 by 12 watching clips from SNL and so on. And, of course, drinking heavily.
Jose taught me some asshole Japanese last night. And I have a paper due, AGAIN, by midnight tonight.
I wasn't planning on having to write a metric assload of papers this semester. Next year, with my...
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Unspeakable evil returns to Portland in thirteen days.

Mmm...at least you're not taking your junior sem this semester. :dies:
Jose [the dirty Mexican] brought me some hentai magazines from Nippon while his JET class is on break. This brings me to an interesting and vital point. Japanese people are fucked up.

Item 1: The appear to be obsessed with huge breasts. And when they get ahold of them they don't do the usual nice, fun, playful things with them. They abuse the hell out...
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It may have been made in japan, I don't know. My stamp wore off a long time ago.
I'm doing okay, I guess. Break is over, and I'm kind of glad, as sick as that might sound to non-Reedies out there. I want to be back at it. I realized a couple of things over the last week, though. First, I realized that I define myself, by and large, by my activities. Thus over break I was a bad, bad human being. But...
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Okay, so on Tuesday I went with the Jews to the Portland Rock Gym and got a really nice workout. That night, I slept like a baby. Last night, however, I was at their house, the Synagogue, till 12:30 or so. Then Me and Dan and Ea went up to the IHOP on 82nd where I drank about 8 cups of coffee. Now most of...
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I'm on break. Thus, I am broken. It surprises me how much I define myself by my activities. It really shouldn't, but it does.
Woo... Chinese midterm, checked off. It's all good. Didn't go great, but it's all behind me. Now all that's left is an exploratory based on a one hour meditation for Chinese Humanities and a five pager for same. Blah! To working!
damn, that sounds %#^ tough blackeyed
I'm finally listening to Loveline again. It's like Strong Bad for the sexually challenged. Keep calling in and Dr. Drew will attempt to answer your questions, and Adam will make fun of your lame ass.

Have you ever heard somebody made fun of for having a large penis? Adam Corrolla just did it. The man's a genius. Sheer brilliance.

Pickup lines are hilarious. The sad...
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Oh god of midterms, why? Why do I feel that I must skip three hours of classes tomorrow to work on a paper due Thursday morning? Why must I have a Chinese midterm just after I've gotten entrenched in my habit of slacking off in that class? Why must I have a paper which is due by midnight on the Saturday after spring break is...
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