It's been a while since I wrote anything meaningful. I'm getting all lovey-dovey and soft. Paradoxically, I'm getting less soft on the outside. Hooray for the Poverty Diet! I'm turning into a fucking Junior Mint: Bitter, dark and hard on the outside; creamy, sweet and pleasant inside. Disgusting.
I'm losing my edge.
I visited my local ex, Kat, and her roomie today. In talking with...
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I'm losing my edge.
I visited my local ex, Kat, and her roomie today. In talking with...
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It was ugly. It involved a lot of me yelling at bank people. But I'm back. And, starting very soon, I'm in full effect, as the kids say.
Those wacky kids, with their drugs...
Those wacky kids, with their drugs...
So my credit card got eaten, and I haven't gotten a replacement yet, so my account may be silenced shortly. Whatever.
I shaved my head.
I went to 40s Nite. I got silly drunk with the Frenchman and played some really disgustingly bad pool that still managed to put he and I on the road to victory.
The Pool Hall was fun. I wish I'd...
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I shaved my head.
I went to 40s Nite. I got silly drunk with the Frenchman and played some really disgustingly bad pool that still managed to put he and I on the road to victory.
The Pool Hall was fun. I wish I'd...
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I'm back, suckers!
I'm done. I finished up my paper for War (what is it good for?) last night, and my history paper this morning. I just got out of my Chinese exam... Ouch. I mean, I've been giving the sexin' to that class all year, so I figured it would be okay, and it was. I just forgot how rough 'okay' can be. I mean, it could...
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So the other day this friend of mine saw Flux smile at me in that "Hey there, I know you" kind of way. I had to explain that there are few things less available than our beloved Fluxor.
I think my friend is nuts. The Flux is to single what I am to purple velvet. I'm not necessarily averse, it just isn't really me. The...
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I think my friend is nuts. The Flux is to single what I am to purple velvet. I'm not necessarily averse, it just isn't really me. The...
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So, wait, what the Hell happened? I'm confused.
Man, this place is weird.
Man, this place is weird.
Hahaha. Cute. You're a fine fella and all, but I'm a southern girl. I smile at eeeeeveryone.
[Edited on May 09, 2004 11:34PM]
[Edited on May 09, 2004 11:34PM]
Go to and play the game. I'd html-ify that, but I'm lazy. At any rate, y'all should jump on KoL, it may be just the thing to keep you (in)sane.
This is me:
Cyaluminus (#45275)
Level 5
Chromatic Crook
Current Hit Points: 16/20
Current Mojo Points: 10/10
Muscle: 14 (15/29)
Mysticality: 12 (16/25)
Moxie: 20 (0/41)
Tipsiness: 12 (pretty drunk)
Turns Played: 572...
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This is me:
Cyaluminus (#45275)
Level 5
Chromatic Crook
Current Hit Points: 16/20
Current Mojo Points: 10/10
Muscle: 14 (15/29)
Mysticality: 12 (16/25)
Moxie: 20 (0/41)
Tipsiness: 12 (pretty drunk)
Turns Played: 572...
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I don't get it.
Anyhoo, we went to the acrop. The only strip club there is when you want a nice steak to go with your titties.
There was this one awesome girl there. She danced so hard. Once she slapped her crotch and said "bad pussy!". Nasty in the best way. I could not give her dollaz fast enough. HOTT.
Anyhoo, we went to the acrop. The only strip club there is when you want a nice steak to go with your titties.
There was this one awesome girl there. She danced so hard. Once she slapped her crotch and said "bad pussy!". Nasty in the best way. I could not give her dollaz fast enough. HOTT.
I won.
There was victory, and much of it.
My sides ach from laughing so much, my throat hurts from screaming so much, my legs hurt from running so much, and my skin is browned like a Christmas turkey from being in the sun so much.
And the best part is that me winning didn't preclude anyone else's victory. Everyone I've talked to had a...
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There was victory, and much of it.
My sides ach from laughing so much, my throat hurts from screaming so much, my legs hurt from running so much, and my skin is browned like a Christmas turkey from being in the sun so much.
And the best part is that me winning didn't preclude anyone else's victory. Everyone I've talked to had a...
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So, it turns out that my deadlines are significantly later than I thought. This is good. This fact allowed me to go to Fetish Ball Saturday, dressed as a cultural anthropoligist, hang out with the likes of al and dunx and flux and oh so many more. I then proceeded to go play a Tekken drinking game (I'm pretty sure we all won), get paddled...
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你是我的朋友. 太好了!
Of course, YOU appreciated it. You go to my school. We all know how to appreciate it.
Alright. I'm getting ground pretty short. I feel like I almost have too much to do, with too little time. I'm sure the seniors out there know it. I need to get a bit hard now. Not as hard as Al, Plastic, dunx, and whoever else is doing the thesis thing, but harder than I've been in a while. I'll let those...
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My motto for the last 4 years has always been:
"everything gets done somehow."
sophomores, juniors, seniors, it doesn't matter. We all have more work than we can do in the time alotted. But you'll turn around in 3 weeks and lo, everything got done somehow. you are a smart guy, you wouldn't have gotten in here otherwise. Just pace yourself, get enough sleeps and eats, take time out for a beer or seven, and work your ass off. Everything gets done somehow.
"everything gets done somehow."
sophomores, juniors, seniors, it doesn't matter. We all have more work than we can do in the time alotted. But you'll turn around in 3 weeks and lo, everything got done somehow. you are a smart guy, you wouldn't have gotten in here otherwise. Just pace yourself, get enough sleeps and eats, take time out for a beer or seven, and work your ass off. Everything gets done somehow.
I've got my computer up again! In the social room.
Omnihatred reigns.
I didn't fix anything. It just started working.
I'm frustrated and confused. What's my stock reaction? Go to the library and read some research materials, of course!
I could really use a casual sort of half-girlfriend. Somebody to kiss angrily when I'm feeling all... like I've been feeling for the last month...
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Omnihatred reigns.
I didn't fix anything. It just started working.
I'm frustrated and confused. What's my stock reaction? Go to the library and read some research materials, of course!
I could really use a casual sort of half-girlfriend. Somebody to kiss angrily when I'm feeling all... like I've been feeling for the last month...
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I tried to update yesterday. Gremlins ate my journal entry!
I've been holed up in the library all day. Again. Same as yesterday, the day before, and the 3-12 days before that. I've lost all track of time in here. I was supposed to meet my advisor today. Forgot. He sent me the PIN I need in order to register, but since I haven't turned...
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I've been holed up in the library all day. Again. Same as yesterday, the day before, and the 3-12 days before that. I've lost all track of time in here. I was supposed to meet my advisor today. Forgot. He sent me the PIN I need in order to register, but since I haven't turned...
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Sorry I've been off radar, gentle reader[s]. I'm sick. My throat is nastily infected, I'm tired all the time, I'm sleeping too much, I can't get any of my work done, and my computer must have gotten some sort of trans-species nastiness from Flux's machine. Come to think of it, maybe that's where I got it...
I'm in the fucking library, for Chist's sake. The...
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I'm in the fucking library, for Chist's sake. The...
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