Yeah, so i kinda fell off the face of the planet (and by planet, i mean this website) for a while, but now im back, cause i dig the new way its set up, and all the groups and whatnot. So, ive been keepin busy with work and school, should be a college gadgiet by the summer. Hopefully at that point i can get an...
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yeah i know i haven't updated in a while, i would say ive been to busy but thats not true, im just a lazy ass....and warcraft pwns my soul....but mostly the lazy thing. Anyways, i doubt im going to pass Accounting II this semester, cause not only do i suck balls at the class, but i just found out that my teacher has the lowest...
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yo you wiley hebrew, i am enjoying now that we stopped sight seeing and we're just chilling out. plus i got out of china and im back in hong kong, which i like a lot more. shaolin was pretty cool, a little disappointing though. the cool part was when all the people there were out in the fields starting some warm ups, wouldve been cooler if we couldve stayed to watch them kick each others asses. but i did see them playing shaolin basketball, which is like regular basketball... but played at shaolin. anyway i guess good luck with the accounting, maybe if you tossed the teachers salad youd be golden. now im gonna go out for chinese, if only i could find somewhere to get some...

p.s. my boner is only for some weird guy names tab fug something or other.

p.p.s. i miss warcraft... and say hi to your folks for me, i miss tea.
A friend in need is a friend without anal beads.......dont even ask...
God I haven't updated my profile in a long damn time, sorry bout that. So everything for me seems to be going good, I finally passed accounting, my car is finally getting sold, and im somewhat on top of my christmas shopping. Overall life is going pretty good, aside from me bustin my ass for finals and what not. I seriously need to change my...
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ROFL - thank god that has never happened to me- Happy B-day

[Edited on Dec 30, 2005 12:07PM]
Happy Birthday!
Well its been awhile since i banterned on in here so here goes nothing. JUST GOT A NEW JOB!!!! WOOOOO!!!! Steak and Ale bitches!!!! can you tell im happy, though i will sincerely miss working with people i know and love frown Either way, gotta look towards the future. Anyways, H-Pot movie 4 due out soon, i just pooped a little with glee. Either way, im...
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steak and ale??? holy shit! you son of a bitch... ale!!!! whoo! congrats man, that is so much closer to your house too, i'm glad to hear that shite worked out for you. poop pants...
Your picture makes you look like a rapist.
You fucking rapist. heh.
j/k asshole.
yeah so today blew hard ass, real hard ass. Last thing i wanna do is come on here and bitch about my problems cause everyone fucking does that, and who wants to read about how it burns when someone pees instead of hearing about kitties and rainbows and shit, cause damn, kitties are cute. Anyways, as usual the shit dealt with me financially (what a...
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shit man, sorry i didnt realize my car needed a new clutch. on the plus side, that is a cute kitty.
Ya know what fucking sucks, being sick!!! that fuckin sucks, i feel like i got hit by the fucking C train......and VD, that sucks too, but still. I really need to get back to exercising, cause my fatass is getting too lazy, not that being sick helped any. I should have my car back from the mechanics any day now so i can sell that...
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know what else sucks? being sick, on a plane, for 13 hours. then being sick, in japan and not being able to talk right as a result of it. yarrr...
not only will there be a bukkake, but there will be a sean bukkake, and it will be the most glorious bukkake of all.......... bukakke! i haven't taken any pictures yet, but i'll throw some up in a day or two, and i'm almost better, i started up some perscription pills the other day, they're working good and i pretty much have my voice back. and yeah, i have the longest clutch known to man. only downside is, inside the dorm im in i cant get aim or WoW to work. so i'm going to try up at campus, i know aim works in this country, i used it last year. so it's just a matter of time until i got that shit up and running.
Whats up guys, just got back from Otakon in Baltimore (dork-fest '05!!!) which was far too much fun to be had healthily in a period of 3 days (and judging by the amount of vodka consumed, it most definatly wasn't healthy). I cosplayed as a character from Kingdom Hearts 2, spent over 14 hours making fucking keyblades, but the amount i got stopped made it...
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i like that picture u left on my thing. it made me vomit profusely
by the way, i cant believe u took down the picture of leah and jojo making out, now im sad.