My ex and I got back together! He broke up with me in July and it was without any warning, we had no real issues, so it hurt so deeply especially because I love his family and gained new friends through his. We maintained a friendship that became more bonded. A few months ago he asked me if I wanted to have sex and I jumped on the chance. So I thought, great, friends with benefits with him would be fantastic. But then he started getting affectionate, even in front of his friends, and I was really into it. A few weeks ago he said something to me that was so heartfelt, I told him it gave me wonderful feels. His response was that he has all the feels for me. I responded that I felt the same. He wanted to talk about things before we jumped back into a relationship, we didn't really get to though. So, last night he told me to take a pic and it was on snapchat so I forgot to save it 😠but he planted a big kiss on my cheek and I was smiling happily. Someone replied asking if we were back together, he said to tell them yes. Then he told me he thought we should, that it's a good idea. I agreed. Later we were out to dinner with friends, waiting for a table outside, he looked at me and said 'you know what?....I love you.' I smiled and said I love him too.
We dated for about 9 months before we split up and were at that point already of being in love but I didn't know if he would feel that way so soon again.
I have grown so much since he broke up with me, I'm less insecure when it comes to other women and feeling threatened. I'm more confident. He has seen that in me.
I'm sorry for gushing but I am a happy girl 🤗