Stole this from @nebula, pretty unique and random questions. Made me have to use my noggin.
1) What color is your toothbrush? White with purple rubber grips
2) What color is your superhero outfit? Purple, black, and silver
3) What color is your current mode of transportation? Charcoal grey
4) What color are your eyes? Blue-green
5) Favorite food that's not pizza? Sushi
6) Favorite food to make for company? Spaghetti
7) If you could have one thing in your mouth right now? More coffee
8) Describe the perfect kiss in 3 words using your native language: Deep, passionate, long
9) When in Rome? Visit the Coliseum
10) Think of your favorite SG/hopeful set over the past few weeks... now who was the photographer? I don't know
11) Current stuffed animal you sleep with or at least have held onto for a long time and never let go? My adorable Chewie cutesy roll plush
12) Last weird dream you remember? Every night is a weird dream. My last one that I remember is that I hung out with my ex and he wanted to lay on the couch with me but without touching since we were still getting used to being just friends and not wanting to cross boundaries.
13) Name a weird quirk or two you have? I rub my lips on my sleeve [longsleeves] when I am tired, nervous, or bored.
14) Movie, song, or book quote you say a lot? Star Wars? I quote so much stuff on a daily basis.
15) What is one big fear you have? Being alone, not living my life to its fullest.
16) In your own words (and native language) describe the model/photographer/member you last talked to without saying who: she's quite wicked
17) Favorite tea and/or coffee? Komodo Dragon blend from Starbucks or a good Kona blend
18) Think of a smile that made you smile today. Don't tell me who it is, but go thank them now: um, ok?
19) What is something you are not great at but still do anyway? Living, existing
20) Scale of 1 to 10, how cool are you? 0.25
21) What is the first thing you notice when meeting someone? Their face, specifically their eyes and smile
22) What compliment do you hear most? Nice tattoos
23) Describe yourself in a word or sentence using your native language: Introverted, shy, kind of nerdy girl
24) What is the worst haircut you ever had? I got my hair chopped off at chin length, no blending, no layers, just kind of straight across the whole way.
25) What makes a person attractive or sexy? Their personality/character, sexy arms, taller than me, their smile
26) If you were a superhero what would your superpowers be based upon: an assassin
27) Favorite word? It can be English or in a native/foreign language: coffee
28) Favorite accessory on a girl? Glasses
29) Have you ever actually fallen off a chair or peed your pants meeting a celebrity or beautiful girl/guy you have interest in? No
30) Ever use a bidet? No
31) Best thing in your fridge right now? Blocks of swiss and extra sharp cheddar cheese
32) Think of someone's really cute bum right now. Got it? What's your favourite fruit? Peaches
33) Favorite body part on a person? Arms and shoulders
34) What video game are you playing currently? Dark Souls 3
35) Roller skates, roller blades, skateboard, bike, scooter, or just shoes? Shoes, I haven't done any of the others since I was a teenager
36) Weirdest food you have eaten at least once? Shark, squirrel, quail
37) (hypothetical) You're famous right now. What makes you famous? My empathy and sympathy