Honestly, through here! One I have met in person several times. We remain good friends. He's a fun, nerdy dude.
Another good online friend I strangely enough found on a Facebook thread. It was a comment on some quiz that had to do with Star Wars. He replied to my comment. He messaged me, we chatted. Found we had a lot in common. We eventually exchanged phone numbers and text fairly regularly. He lives in Oregon, so pretty far.
One more friend I met through here, I no longer speak to. We had a bit of a falling out. It's been a little public on here. He was supposed to be my wedding date, flight got cancelled, although a part of me thinks it was a cover. He stopped talking to me to cope with what happened. Things never really were the same after. I don't regret anything, but I do feel burned by it.
I have met a lot of awesome people through here. Several I haven't mentioned but I still totally dig them and find them to be amazing people.
Love you guys! ❤