I had been doing so well for a few weeks. Probably my longest good streak in some time. Yesterday I was down and I attributed it to a bad night sleep. I slept fairly well last night but today woke up feeling blue. I do know part of the reason and it's mostly just my own mind overworking. I have been too exhausted from work to even play video games. I haven't gotten to enjoy my 2 days off from work, I have spent them running errands and being tired. I have been a useless member to society, to my friends, and I barely talk to my family. When I say things like that, the little comment a 'friend' once made to me pops in my head 'quit having a pity party for yourself and get over it'. Makes me wonder if other people think that when they listen to me vent. Maybe I am just feeling sorry for myself. It seems at times that no one else cares or notices something is wrong, maybe I should just stop caring about myself too. I care too much about everything and I thought that was a good personality trait to have, sometimes I wonder if it's not. Sometimes I think the only one who enjoys all my caring and affection and returns it equally is my cat.